Consultation Outcomes - Wright Street
25 March 2020
Consultation was open from 21 January to 24 February 2020 with packages sent directly to 137 residents and ratepayers in the project area inviting completion of a survey to determine level of support to retain, relocate or remove the existing slow point within Wright Street, as well as their level of support for additional traffic control devices to be installed in Wright Street. This survey was available to be completed both hard copy or online.
During the consultation period we received 17 responses to the project proposal.
Overview of Feedback
When asked how residents felt about the existing slow point, the majority of respondents (65%) advised that they feel the device is worth retaining, but should be relocated further into Wright Street, to allow room for more vehicles to store behind if required.
Responses % (n) | |
That the slow point in Wright Street should be 'retained in its current location' | 12% (2) |
That the slow point in Wright Street should be retained but 'relocated further into Wright Street', allowing room for more vehicles to store behind it if required. | 65% (11) |
That the slow point in Wright Street is not needed with the current traffic conditions and 'should be removed' | 23% (4) |
When asked whether residents felt the recommendations made in 2009 to install additional slow points (or other traffic control devices) were still warranted, views were more divided. 54% of respondents stated that they felt additional traffic control devices were required to control current vehicle speeds and volumes, and with the other 46% of respondents stating that additional traffic control devices were not required.
27% of total respondents noted that they would be directly impacted by the device and would be willing to have a device installed in front of their property (acknowledging this may remove on-street parking), with the other 27%of respondents acknowledging that they would not be impacted by the device.
Responses % (n) | |
That additional slow points (or other traffic control devices) are required in Wright Street to control vehicle speeds and volumes, and I would be willing to have one installed in front of my property (acknowledging this would remove on-street parking). | 27% (3) |
That additional slow points (or other traffic control devices) are required in Wright Street to control vehicle speeds and volumes, nothing I do not live in Wright Street and would not be impacted by loss of parking associated with their installation. | 27% (3) |
That additional slow points in Wright Street are not required with the current traffic conditions. | 46% (5) |
6 respondents did not respond to this question |
Project Outcome
Given the support to construct additional traffic control devices within Wright Street was limited, particularly from those who would be immediately impacted by the devices, we will not be implementing the 2009 LATM recommendation to install additional slow points or other traffic control devices within Wright street at this time.
As a result of the support from the majority of respondents to relocate this device further into Wright Street, we will be reconstructing the device as shown in the enclosed concept plan.The reconstructed device will be shortened to approximately 7m long, which will provide 19m for vehicles entering Wright Street from Hawker Street to store behind the device, should they encounter a vehicle travelling south. This proposal ensures there are no changes to current parking restrictions within Wright Street, so as to limit the impact on residents immediately adjacent the device.
Next Steps
We are now undertaking detailed design of this device, with construction being incorporated into the upcoming road reconstruction of Hawker Street, which is anticipated to commence in May 2020.
Those directly impacted by the construction will be notified closer to the time of commencing by our appointed contractor.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who took the time to view the consultation materials and provide feedback. Your participation is very much appreciated.