In March 2018 we received a petition requesting the road closure at Wright Street/Torrens Road (north) be removed, to allow vehicle access to/from Torrens Road, providing better access to residences and businesses in the area. The petition stated that recent upgrades to South Road had highlighted access issues to homes/businesses in the area.
On 14 May 2018, two deputations were made to Council, along with an opposing petition, to retain the existing road closure, which stated that several residents felt the road closure is an effective traffic control which has worked for 40 years to reduce cut-through traffic in local streets and relieve congestion on Torrens Road.
Council resolved to investigate the matter further, and at the conclusion of the South Road upgrade works, in November 2018, investigations were undertaken and possible options considered. The results of these investigations have been summarised in a Technical Report.
Four Possible Options
Option 1 - Retain the existing road closure (no change)
Option 2 - Left in Only - modify road closure to allow left turns into Wright Street from Torrens Road
Option 3 - Left Out Only - modify road closure to allow left turns out to Torrens Road from Wright Street
Option 4 - Left in /Left Out - Removal of the road closure to allow left turns both into and out of Wright
Street to /from Torrens Road.
As Wright Street intersects with an arterial road (Torrens Road), any changes will requires approval form the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI)
Two other options were also considered, however, after discussions with DPTI these were not supported:
- a second Left in/Left Out option - removal of the road closure, allowing left turns both into and out of Wright Street from/to Torrens Road, retaining grit turns into and out of Wright Street (south) and
- a 4-Way intersection - removal of the road closure to create a 4-Way intersection (either signalised or unsignalised)
To provide your feedback you can:
- Complete the survey online
Once feedback is collated, a report with a recommendation will be presented to our Asset Management Committee on 20 May 2019. We will provide an update of the resolution from the Committee following the meeting.
Consultation closes 5pm Friday 5 April 2019.