
Consultation Outcomes and Council Report

2 June 2023

In November 2022, we wrote to residents and ratepayers in Woodville West about a proposal to install speed humps on Gawler Street, Smith Avenue and Cardiff Street. The results have now been reviewed and some additional traffic count data collected.

The consultation results indicate that speed humps are supported by the majority on Smith Avenue and Gawler Street, but not supported on Cardiff Street.

Cardiff Street

Updated traffic counts were obtained for Cardiff Street, given the previous traffic count data was quite old (obtained in 2012). The updated data shows that there are very low traffic volumes (282 vehicles per day), with a majority of drivers driving at or below 47km/h (known as the 85th percentile speed). The new traffic data means that Cardiff Street no longer qualifies for traffic calming intervention. Without warrant and without community support, it is proposed to delete Cardiff Street from the New Traffic Control project.

Smith Avenue and Gawler Street

We proposed to go ahead with the speed humps on Smith Avenue and Gawler Street in the 2023/24 financial year, subject to detailed design outcomes. During the detailed design process, the location of some speed humps may need to change based on existing road infrastructure.

Other Streets

We also received requests for traffic calming on several nearby streets including Victor Avenue, Lewis Street, Lachlan Avenue, Albany Street, Newport Street, May Street and Todville Street. Decisions about whether traffic calming intervention is required are made in line with our Road Safety Assessment Procedure.

Driver speeds on Victor Avenue, Lewis Street and May Street do not warrant intervention with traffic calming devices. Lachlan Avenue, Albany Street and Newport Street have been added to the list for a traffic count to be undertaken, to determine whether any of these streets should be added to our new traffic control program.

Todville Street is included in the 2023/24 financial year program for new traffic controls and separate consultation about this street will be occurring later in 2023.

Next Steps

A report (including a recommendation and consultation outcomes) will be presented at Council’s Asset Management Committee on Monday evening, 19 June 2023. The report will be made available to the public via our website from Thursday 15 June.

The consultation summary report is available in the document library.

Deputations at the meeting are welcomed and details can be found by searching “Deputation” on our website at