Woodville Road Streetscape Upgrade Survey

Your feedback and ideas will help us develop the final design. Please complete our survey by 5pm Monday 4 November 2019.
What is your connection to Woodville Road? Required

Please select all that apply.

Tell us what streetscape improvements are important to you? Required
Very Important
Less Important
Not Important
Footpaths and pedestrian access
Trees and landscaping
Outdoor dining
Safety (i.e. lighting, CCTV cameras)
Look and feel
Places to meet and gather
Public art
Places to sit and rest (i.e. furniture, drinking fountains, etc)
Places to park my bike
Places to park my car (i.e. parking sensors, smart parking signage to direct drivers to spare parks)
Safe pedestrian crossing points
Celebration of heritage and culture (i.e. arts & events)
Shade and shelter
In your opinion, what is public art? Required

Please select all that apply.

What is the purpose of public art to you?

Please select all that apply.

Where on Woodville Road do you think public art should be placed?

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.