
Consultation Results and Next Steps

14 January 2020

Feedback from the consultation has been provided to the project team and will be used to inform the detailed design. View:

  • a snapshot of the key themes from our community consultation; or
  • the Council Report, Item 6.136 presented on 9 December 2019.

On 9 December 2019, Council endorsed the following that:

  • The Woodville Road Streetscape Concept Design Plan be adopted.
  • Assess the possibility of a location swap of the Woodville Library and Council Chamber. A report will be presented to Council in April 2020 for further consideration.
  • An Expression of Interest (EOI) process occur in 2020 for the possible sale and redevelopment of 67‐85 Woodville Road (Stage 2) and a further report be presented to Council.
  • Council commits funding for the following in 2020/21:
    • $150,000 to complete the final detailed design of Stage 1 streetscape works.
    • $380,000 being one‐third of the cost for the undergrounding of the power lines from Norman Street to Port Road.
    • $265,000 being one‐half of the cost to relocate the water main below Woodville Road.
  • Funding of $9.55m be made within the long‐term financial plan for Stage 1 streetscape works in 2021/22.