Final Decision, Consultation Outcomes & Next Steps

The decision report sharing the community consultation outcomes and resulting draft masterplan was presented to the Asset Management Committee on Monday 15 November 2021 and endorsed by Council on Monday 22 November 2022.

A summary of the desired features that feature in the draft masterplan, based on feedback, were as follows:

  • Improved pathways and connections to the adjacent shops
  • New fenced nature play area
  • Planting more trees and vegetation
  • New fitness equipment, seating and shelter

The full decision report is available for viewing here.

Now that the community has assisted in the development of the draft masterplan (image below), there are additional steps to take prior to a final masterplan being completed.

Next Steps by Council for the next two financial years:

  • Develop a final, reserve upgrade concept plan based on the consultation feedback and consideration of relevant Council strategic directions, policies and best practice.
  • Seek funding to deliver identified reserve improvements in 2023/24.
  • Undertake further public consultation on the final concept plan, as required.
  • If funding is approved, undertake detailed design in preparation for construction that considers any final feedback from the community.


Project Update

Thank you to everyone that contributed to our consultation. Staff and JPE Design Studio have now reviewed all feedback provided and a report which will be presented to the Asset Management Committee on Monday 15 November 2021 commencing 6:00pm on the consultation outcomes and next steps.

Any persons wanting to make a deputation will be required to have submitted their deputation request to Council by 10:00am on Monday 15 November 2021.

How can you be involved in consultation?


    JPE Design Studio and Council will be onsite on Sunday 26 September 2021 2:30pm - 4:00pm (via the Maramba Way frontage)

    Come along and talk to us

    The consultation period has now ended and the survey is closed.

    Thank you to everyone who contributed their thoughts.


    Share a post or image on the vision board to the right, to share an example or make comment about what you might like to see.