
Community Engagement Report - Stage 1 Consultation

11 February 2019

The Welland Transport and Parking Plan (WTPP), endorsed by Council in 2013, recommended the installation of traffic calming devices in Welland Avenue and Frederick Street in Welland to address the issue of relatively high vehicle speeds.

The WTPP recognised that both Frederick Street and Welland Ave are north-south ‘link’ streets through the suburb and recommended devices to slow traffic rather than measures that would lead to a dramatic redistribution of traffic flow, such as; road closures, ‘one-way’ sections and priority changes at intersections.

Whilst the WTPP recommended that single lane angled slow points be installed in these streets, further investigation has found this treatment to be unsuitable due to insufficient space between driveways.

We consulted in November and December 2018 with local residents and businesses on four traffic calming options.

The consultation report is now available here