Consultation has concluded

The vision for Councils Walking and Cycling Strategy is to create communities where people choose and are able to walk or cycle for any purpose. This vision is supported by a Council that recognises the value of walking and cycling and makes a commitment to create safe, healthy, efficient, connected and sustainable communities.

This strategy document supports this vision by:

  • Reviewing the current evidence behind the value of walking and cycling for the community;
  • Summarises and collates current information related to walking and cycling infrastructure and usage in Charles Sturt;
  • Documents current data and best practice guidelines on walking and cycling facilities;
  • Identifies Strategies and Actions to improve walking and cycling facilities and culture in Charles Sturt.

We are now seeking your feedback on the Strategy & Action Plan!

To get involved...

  • Review the Walking and Cycling Strategy
  • Consider the Action Plan
  • Come along to the Open Evening on Tuesday 24 February 2015
  • Complete the online survey and tell us what you think
  • Ask a question using the Q&A tool

For further information please contact Kath on 8408 1270 or email

Consultation closed 10 March 2015

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