Road Assets support easy movement of people whether by bicycle or vehicles and the transport of goods for different industries and services. Roads provide access to schools, shopping centres, recreational area and strategic destinations.

Similar to our path network, our roads are considered to be in a functional and fair condition with only 10% of the overall network of roads below our ideal service level.

Who takes care of what roads?

Did you know that Council does not maintain or replace Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) roads?

We undertake the following types of road works on our local streets only (not DPTI owned roads):

  • Repairing potholes and bumps in the road
  • Sealing cracks on the surface of the road
  • Undertaking preservation maintenance (thin coatings) to keep roads in good condition and smooth
  • Resealing the surface of the road when it becomes aged to prevent water penetration the road structure below
  • Replacing kerbing when a road surface is resealed to ensure stormwater is conveyed to the underground system