
Construction Notification

7 February 2023

In August 2022 we consulted with the community on a draft concept plan for the Road Rehabilitation & Streetscape Improvements in Market Place & Thirteenth Street, Bowden.

During consultation we received 10 responses from the 86 packages sent to all owners and residents within the project catchment.

Overall, the concept plan was well received and supported by 87% (7) of those who responded. Only one person did not support the concept; two did not provide a level of support.

Several requests were made for planting of additional trees in Thirteenth Street, and we have accommodated these where feasible. The locations shown in the enclosed concept plan. Requests were also made to extend, if possible, the garden bed along the railway fence, which we have accommodated. This area can be planted by the community and add to the already established plants in this space.

The final scope of works will include:

Market Place

  • New asphalt seal
  • Kerb and gutter replacement
  • Realignment of the kerb to enable a 1.8m wide paved path
  • Widened verge along railway fence, to allow for additional community planting
  • Driveway crossovers constructed with red clay pavers
  • Formalise 3 car parking spaces at the end of the cul-de-sac, including yellow line marking
  • Reconstruction of asphalt footpath to paved 2m wide shared path on the western side of Market Place
  • Installation of lighting bollards within the garden bed
  • Installation of new pedestrian kerb ramps
  • Minor changes to the garden bed to maintain vehicle access
  • Planting of new ‘Crepe Myrtle’ street trees
  • New asphalt seal
  • Kerb and gutter replacement
  • Widened footpath and constructed with red clay pavers
  • Intersection improvements with Drayton Street, including new kerb ramps
  • Intersection improvements with Quinn Street, including new kerb ramps and additional planting areas.
  • Planting of new ‘Crepe Myrtle’ street trees

Thirteenth Street

  • New asphalt seal
  • Kerb and gutter replacement
  • Widened footpath and constructed with red clay pavers
  • Intersection improvements with Drayton Street, including new kerb ramps
  • Intersection improvements with Quinn Street, including new kerb ramps and additional planting areas.
  • Planting of new ‘Crape Myrtle’ street trees

Gibson Street

  • Realignment of the intersection with Thirteenth Street to ensure a safe crossing point for pedestrians
  • Footpath replacement to red clay pavers

An updated concept plan is now available to view

Construction Timing

We have engaged Gili Contractors to undertake this work, which is scheduled to commence in February 2023.