
No Change to Tatura Reserve Name

28 June 2023

On Monday night (26/06/2023), Council considered the decision of the Asset Management Committee (AMC 19/06/2023, Item 4.44) not to support the renaming request received for Tatura Reserve in Tatura Crescent, Fulham Gardens. Council endorsed the decision of the AMC, which means that the reserve will retain its existing name and continue to be known as "Tatura Reserve".

This decision considered many factors, such as the engagement outcomes, your feedback and comments, the original request, our Reserve Naming Policy, and other cultural or historic implications. Overall, 62% of unique participants in the consultation did not support renaming the reserve. Head to the 'Proposed Renaming of Tatura Reserve in Fulham Gardens' project page if you'd like to see more information.

In the coming days, we will write to all residents and property owners surrounding the reserve, and any other identified communities of interest to notify of the outcome of this project.

During consultation we heard that some of you were not aware of the reserve's existing name, so we will soon be installing a reserve name sign identifying it as Tatura Reserve. This sign will also make it clearer that Tatura Reserve is specifically a ‘Dog On-Lead’ reserve - again following feedback received during the consultation process.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated in the engagement or followed the project page to be kept up to date about the request, key decision points and outcomes. If you haven't done so already, sign up to Your Say Charles Sturt with your email address and postcode, and then select areas of interest so you can inform other projects we're working on that might be meaningful to you.