Exciting time for Hendon and Royal Park
With the new Hendon Central Shopping Centre's completion offering important local services and activity, it’s an exciting time for Hendon and Royal Park. We’re hoping to continue this positive transformation via initiating upgrades and improvements to facades, footpaths, lighting, landscaping, and public safety and would like your feedback on a draft concept plan for a precinct between 30 – 54 Tapleys Hill Road, Hendon and Royal Park.
Before and After Concept Images
Use slider to compare and contrast images
30A-30D Tapleys Hill Rd, Royal Park.

36-42 Tapleys Hill Rd, Royal PArk

44-48 Tapleys Hill Rd, Royal Park.

Provide feedback here or at our community event
View the concept plan between 10am and 12pm on Saturday 7 October at the new Hendon Shopping Centre, and complete our survey by Friday 27 October.
Project background
Local centres play an important role for local communities, providing local shops, services, and places to meet and connect. Many local businesses occupy these centres, relying on local trade and a sustainable local resident and worker population. The Local Centres Revitalisation Strategy is a modest Council project, derived from the successful Albert Park/Hendon Your Neighbourhood Plan Pilot which enabled key local projects to obtain external funding.
The Local Centres Revitalisation Strategy identifies local centres - or local groups of shops - which meet multiple criteria for renewal, including few other shops or centres close-by, capacity for better use and renewal of the public realm for uses such as outdoor dining, landscaping and greening, re-paving or public art; and a willingness of local traders and shop owners to improve the facades of their premises. Discussion and meeting with traders indicates support for upgrading the public realm.
The Strategy will also produce costed 'shovel -ready' projects which could be timed to attract grant funding from other levels of government. As such this project may not proceed immediately.
On 19 June 2023 a report was presented to Council’s City Services Committee meeting, on a strategy for revitalising local centres, focusing on four priority centres including Tapley’s Hill Road - Royal Park/ Hendon.
Council approved the strategy the Draft Concept Plan for renewal and improvement as presented here from around Poplar Street, Royal Park, south toward Stacy Street Hendon.