
Council Decision on St Clair Community Facility Proposal

2 December 2024

At the end of November, Council considered a report on the findings of community engagement undertaken in July to early August on a State Government election pledge for a new community facility to be constructed for the St Clair oval precinct. After noting the findings - which demonstrated high community support for the proposed facility but raised several concerns and questions about its functionality - Council decided on the request.

The key resolutions of Council were:

  1. While acknowledging the significant community support for the proposed facility, Council defers the construction of the facility and undertakes a precinct-wide master planning process. This master plan will address key issues raise through the consultation such as car parking impacts, the development of a multi-purpose community facility plan, and ongoing community access to cricket training facilities.
  2. That Council uses the existing project funds contributed by City of Charles towards the facility to initiate and prepare the precinct master plan.
  3. That the Mayor writes to the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing to request that the scope of the remaining election pledge ($1m) redirected to support the delivery of the precinct master plan.
  4. That staff intend to seek additional funding through relevant funding streams to assist with the successful delivery of the precinct masterplan. And;
  5. That a further report be tabled to Council detailing the wider St Clair Sports Precinct Master Plan, including updated costs estimates and proposed timeframes for delivery (and construction).

What Now?

Staff will now look to commence the St Clair Sports Precinct Master Planning, and will work to secure the funding necessary to undertake and deliver this piece of work. Construction of any facility is on hold until the Council has the opportunity to review the master plan and associated works, which may include project works in addition to the construction of a facility.

Once Council has considered the master plan and associated costs to deliver it, they will make a decision(s) on how to move forward with the project.

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  • How you were made aware of the engagement
  • If you could make informed comment on the request
  • If it was easy to share feedback
  • If you felt your feedback was considered

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