
Community Engagement Outcomes - Stage 2

5 December 2021

In early 2021 Council’s Asset Management Committee resolved:

That further consultation be undertaken with property owners and occupiers adjacent the S-bend in Stanley Street regarding possible design options which improve road safety and retain some on-street parking and that the community be informed of the outcomes of this consultation prior to any changes being made.

Following this, we investigated whether it would be possible to retain some parking on the S-bend alongside the pavement bar treatment that we previously consulted on. The investigation found that there was insufficient width in the road to accommodate this request.

Initial discussions with some property owners and occupiers adjacent the S‐bend in Stanley Street regarding this design solution were positive, however, due to feedback from residents within the wider engagement catchment that this solution would not be accepted, and a second stage of community consultation was undertaken which occurred in September 2021.

Consultation Feedback

We distributed a total of 383 consultation packages to residents, business owners and property owners within the catchment area. During the consultation period we received 124 survey responses from 120 households (noting some households provided multiple responses).

9% of respondents advised they would support the new line marking treatment option and 87% of respondents opposed this option. (4% did not provide a preference/feedback on this option). 93% of respondents advised they would support the original pavement bar treatment option, with 6% of respondents indicating they would not support this option (1% did not provide a preference/feedback on this option).

The Community Engagement Report provides the outcomes from this stage of consultation.