
Sam Johnson Reserve Automated Toilet Approved

7 June 2023

We’re pleased to advise that at its meeting of 22 May, Council endorsed the decision of the Asset Management Committee (AMC, on 15/05/2023 Item 4.35) to approve the proposed public toilet facility in Sam Johnson Reserve, subject to funding being allocated in the 2023/24 Annual Business Plan & Budget. The facility's proposed location and design, as consulted on, were also approved by the AMC (view the location & specifications).

This decision follows the AMC's consideration of the outcomes of community engagement, undertaken in February & March 2023. To find out more about the results of consultation, visit the project page. There, you can also view all the comments received and staff responses to those comments provided in the document library.

We will formally write to all consultation contributors, to residents and property owners surrounding the reserve, and to any other identified communities of interest to notify them of the outcome of this project following Council approval of the 2023/24 budget. At that time we will advise if the project was successful in receiving funding for construction in 2023/24 and provide indicative construction timeframes, if approved.

Illustrative image of the automated toilet facility in the proposed location on Sam Johnson Reserve

Illustrative example of facility in the proposed location of the reserve, noting that following construction the exterior will be decorated to fit culturally and visually within the reserve. We will consider engaging a local artist to undertake this work.