Project Overview

Russell Terrace in Woodville, between Woodville Road and David Terrace, is a local street that sits along the strategic bike network, creating connections to and from local destinations.

Russell Terrace is due for road rehabilitation, which is currently scheduled for the 2024/25 financial year. When a road project is identified, we also undertake a review of the road safety, amenity and stormwater flow to see if any further improvements or changes need to be made.

As part of the review for the road rehabilitation works, it was identified that the single lane raised intersections currently along Russell Terrace are due for renewal. However, these raised intersections no longer meet current Australian Standards and technical requirements and therefore need to be replaced. These traffic control devices were originally installed to address complaints over the years of vehicles travelling at high speeds along this stretch of road and that use it as a ‘cut-through’ between Woodville Road and David Terrace.

To coincide with the planned road rehabilitation works, the single lane raised intersections will be removed and two-way intersections will be installed to improve traffic flow at these locations. However, by removing the single lane intersections this will reduce the level of traffic calming currently along Russell Terrace.

To compensate for this reduction in traffic calming, it is proposed that new traffic control devices be installed at intervals along Russell Terrace to slow traffic flow.

What traffic calming is being proposed?

We have developed two traffic treatment options, designed to slow traffic to improve safety along Russell Terrace for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists.

You can view the proposed concept plans below or download a copy of the plans from the Document Library.


This option has raised single-lane slow points which provides greater traffic calming and opportunities for cyclists to pass on both sides. However, this option removes approximately 15 on-street parking spaces.


This option has flat-top road humps that provides less significant traffic calming compared to Option 1. As parking is permitted on flat-top road humps, this option only removes approximately 2 on-street parking spaces.

Thank you for your feedback.

Our survey has now closed and we are currently reviewing your comments.

We want to hear from you

We would like to hear your thoughts on the two proposed traffic treatment options designed to slow traffic and improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists along Russell Terrace. You can select one of the following to provide your feedback.
  • Call Us

    If you prefer to discuss your feedback, you can call us on 8408 1111 to have your comments taken over the phone.

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