
Consultation Outcomes and Next Steps

8 August 2022

In late 2019, we undertook an early round of community engagement with residents in the four streets identified in our Renown Park Living Streets program. Those streets being Wright Street, Tait Street, Bishop Street and Blight Street.

Living Streets is about reimagining the design of your street and neighbourhood to prioritise people; whether it be as a walker, bike rider, driver or to socialise with family and neighbours.

At the time we sought initial feedback from the local residents in all the streets to understand the sentiment towards the street currently, and what residents wanted to see change.

We received many great suggestions to improve infrastructure (including stormwater drainage and road pavements), added facilities, places to meet, safer connections and opportunities to increase the sense of ‘place’ within the neighbourhood. The community told us they would like to see more greening within their neighbourhood through additional trees and Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) style landscaping located within the verges and at intersections. whether it be as a walker, bike rider, driver or to socialise with family and neighbours.

The Proposal

Late last year, we presented three options for each of the Living Streets incorporating many elements we heard from the community through initial stages of consultation.

438 residents and ratepayers were invited to provide feedback by:

  • Completing a survey which was available online and in hard copy.
  • Visit our pop up at 19 on Green to view larger scale concept plans and speak with a project team member every Thursday during September.
  • Drop In to our Community Open Day and talk to the project team - held at Angus Court Reserve on Saturday 18 September.
  • Send us a written submission by email or by mail.

We had 36 survey responses (8.2%) and a further 6 written responses. Engagement at the pop up was good with 14 visits across 4 Thursdays. Each of these residents followed up their conversation with a formal survey response. Approximately 10 residents attended our community open day, many of these residents also attended the pop up at 19 on Green.

The following feedback was received in response to the three concept options:

Option 1- Wide Verge

The first option proposed a narrowed 7.5m roadway with on-street car parking and large green verges.

You told us that you liked that this option:

You suggested we could improve this option by:

  • Increases greenery and street tree canopy
  • Doesn’t impact on street parking
  • Ease of access through the street and into properties
  • Like the straight road
  • Like the road art
  • Like the wide street
  • Include the roundabouts
  • Renew assets (road and stormwater)
  • Make sure the landscaping is maintained
  • Reduce traffic speeds
  • Provide indented parking bays with greenery
  • Improve access for trailers
  • Too narrow
  • Provide tree canopy
  • Natural planted/rockscape kerb for stormwater
  • Tree species should be uniform

Option 2 – Median

The second option proposed a large vegetated central median island with indented car parking bays. This option proposed roundabouts at intersections to provide turn-around points.

You told us that you liked that this option:

You thought we could improve this design by:

  • Provides the most trees/vegetations
  • Includes roundabouts
  • Includes indented parking bays with a different surface
  • Encourages walking/cycling
  • Discourages traffic
  • Improves aesthetic
  • Provides on street parking
  • Like the street art
  • Like the reduced road width
  • Provide direct property access through the median
  • Provide breaks in the median
  • Add additional parking
  • Take the median out
  • Ensure vegetation is irrigated/maintained
  • Asset renewal is needed
  • Roundabouts should be landscaped with trees
  • Limit parking areas to maximise green space
  • Verges should be plants not lawn
  • Stop signs

Option 3 – Meandering Roadway

The third option proposed a narrowed roadway with a shifting centre line. Resulting in a large green verge to one side of the road.

You told us that you liked that this option:

You told us the design could be improved by:

  • Would provide traffic calming/reduce speeds
  • Looks pretty
  • Is different and adds interest to the area
  • Provides a lot of greenery
  • Provides 90 degree parking for the church
  • Includes indented parking bays with a different surface
  • Able to use the road geometry to improve property access
  • Encourages walking/cycling
  • Includes street art
  • Removing the parking bay
  • Strategically place parking where there is demand
  • Keep the road as wide as possible
  • Provide additional parking
  • Add roundabouts
  • Vegetation needs to be irrigated and maintained
  • Provide resting areas in wider verges i.e. benches
  • Road should be straight
  • Add additional trees in the south end of Wright Street

Preferred Option:

We asked you to rank the three concept options in order of preference, from most favoured (1st preference) to least favoured (3rd preference):

Based on the consultation results, we will be proceeding to detailed design with the Meandering Roadway option. As a result of feedback received, we will be including roundabouts at all 4-way intersections and incorporating additional Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) elements into the landscaped area. We will be consulting further with residents on tree and understory species selection once the landscape design commences.

We will be working directly with residents who have specific access concerns and desire to flip the meander in one road segment which were raised with us during the engagement period.

A full feedback report and copy of the updated concept design is available in our document library.

Next Steps

A report will be presented to Council's Asset Management Meeting on 15 August 2022, detailing the consultation findings and seeking they endorse the meandering roadway as the preferred concept option. The decision made at this meeting will be considered for resolution by the full Council on Monday 22 August.

The report will be available to view at from Thursday 11 August 2022.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who took the time to view the consultation materials, provided feedback and made the time to speak with us.