
Construction Update

13 March 2024

We are soon to commence construction of the Renown Park Living Streets project, scheduled to start in April 2024. The road reconstruction will commence in Wright Street in the 2023/2024 financial year, with Bishop Street to follow in 2024/2025.

The overall project aims to achieve a balance of safe, slower vehicle speed environment along with improving urban greening, water sensitive urban design and street amenity for all road users.

The landscaping improvements in Angus Reserve, Angus Court and the laneway connecting Angus Court with Bishop Street are likely to commence over the coming weeks. As part of this project, we will also be incorporating several informative signs throughout the area. These signs will be attached to the top of the bee hotels.

Please refer to the concept plan showing their locations and accompanying information signs, along with images.

Bees play a vital part in the ecosystem, pollinating our veggie patches as well as our native plants and gardens. If you would like to know more above native bees and bee hotels, visit:

Did you know, Native bees are not aggressive, unlike the honey bee, so you would generally not be at risk of being stung by a native bee unless you tried to catch one or inadvertently trapped it in your clothing. In some cases, the native bee’s sting is too small to even pierce the skin.

Appointed contractor & construction timing

We have appointed Camco SA Ptd Ltd to undertake construction on the first stages of the Renown Park Living Streets project. Wright Street will be constructed first with Bishop Street to follow. Please refer to the staging below

Stage 1 – Drainage extension in Bishop Street between Harrison Road and Wright Street and new drainage in Wright Street between Lamont Street and Ann place.

Stage 2 – Road Reconstruction of Wright Street (including, new kerb & gutter alignment, stormwater upgrade, new asphalt, new trees, and landscaping.

Stage 3 – Road Reconstruction and remaining drain extension of Bishop Street.

Directly impacted residents will receive further notification from Camco SA, which will detail their contact information, timing and what to expect during the construction.