Project Updates
Project Background & Construction
We consulted with the Croydon community on a draft concept plan for the Queen and Elizabeth Street Road reconstruction project in May 2023.
We had 22 people respond to our online survey, 12 people attended our drop-in session on 13 May 2023 at the St Barnabas Church and we had another 3 additional conversations.
There was a lot of positive feedback that came from the draft concept, however, there were a number of respondents that felt we should do more about car parking and greening.
The following themes were captured through consultation:
Pedestrian Improvements
The majority of feedback expressed appreciation for the increased focus on pedestrian safety, traffic calming measures and the introduction of features like the zebra crossing and other priority areas.
Greening & Beautification
Many respondents support the idea of greening and beautification efforts in the area, emphasising the positive impact on the community’s aesthetics and the overall appeal of the neighbourhood.
Park Space & Environment impact
There were some concerns about the proposed car park on William Street, citing that it might compromise green spaces. A balance between walkability goals and preserving parks for the community, emphasising sustainability and the environment should be considered.
Accessibility and Safety Concerns
Feedback includes concerns about the accessibility of proposed parking spaces, especially for people with disabilities. Safety concerns related to traffic speed, visibility, and the need for additional zebra crossings, particularly in busy sections, are also highlighted.
Traffic Changes
There are varying opinions on proposed changes to traffic flow, with some supporting measures to slow down traffic, improve visibility, and enhance safety, while others express reservations or propose more drastic changes like restricting certain streets to pedestrian and cycle traffic only.
Urban Planning / Placemaking
Some respondents expressed a desire for a more comprehensive and long-term urban planning approach, suggesting ideas such as restricting specific sections to pedestrian and cycle traffic only, creating spaces for street festivals.
Additional Car Parking (Church)
Some respondents welcomed the proposed additional car parking spaces, while others expressed concern about its location, and suggested other options.
Overall and Updated Concept plan
Many provided positive feedback and support for the raised intersections (although these were subject to stormwater analysis), zebra crossings, widened paths and streetscape improvements. Some appreciated the effort to address previous consultation requests.
Based on community feedback, investigating stormwater and review of the design, we made some changes to the previous concept.
We will now deliver as part of this project:
- Reconstruction of Queen Street from Port Road to Day Terrace.
- At grade intersection treatments (We were not able to deliver the raised intersection as results of the stormwater analysis identified increased risk of flooding of properties at these locations)
- 3m wide Zebra crossings at each intersection with kerb ramps to prioritise pedestrians.
- Landscaping opportunities at the intersections
- Safety bollards and realignment of the road
- Adjustments to stormwater inlet
- Upgrade to footpaths and kerb ramps to meet Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)
The William Street (Church) car park will now see a modified alignment from the original proposal, with seven 90 degree parking spaces on the church side.
Robert Street, Road Resurfacing
Robert Street from South Road to Brown Street is
also listed on our roads program for a reseal and while
we are in the precinct, we wanted to undertake this
work simultaneously. The work will include kerb and
gutter renewal and asphalt resurfacing works.
Timing of project
Construction is estimated to commence early in the 2024/2025 financial year.
We will keep everyone informed of the timing of construction closer to when we start. Click the 'follow' button at the top of the page if you would like to be kept updated on the start of construction.