What is proposed and why?

We have received a request from Amplitel Pty Ltd (on behalf of Telstra) for a 20-year exclusive lease over a portion of land within the Grange Recreation Reserve (the Reserve). The lease would allow for two small, fenced areas within the Reserve, up to a combined total of 60 square metres in size, to install a 30.8-metre-tall telecommunications tower.

The purpose of the request is to improve mobile phone and digital data services, addressing long-standing issues for residents, businesses, and visitors in Grange and surrounding areas.

The location

The proposed lease site within Grange Recreation Reserve is located adjacent to the northern end of the car park off Fort Street, central to the reserve. The site is partially protected by mature trees.

This location within the reserve has been selected as it:

  • Integrates with existing reserve infrastructure (sealed car park, buildings) and canopied trees, offering reduced visual impacts.
  • Is outside the minimum 100-metre exclusion zone from residential properties (a condition of the amended Community Land Management Plan (CLMP) for Grange Recreation Reserve).
  • Has no known impact on use of the reserve (e.g. for sport or recreation purposes).
  • Allows for independent access when required via the sealed roadway within the reserve.

The infrastructure

A 5m x 7m area in front of the trees will be fenced to host the proposed telecommunication equipment shelter. This enclosed area will be restricted and not accessible to the public.

The proposed site for the monopole will require the removal of an existing sports lighting pole. This floodlight will be relocated onto the telecommunication pole (at the Lessee's expense) at the same height as the existing sports lighting of 14.5 meters, maintaining the current lighting lux level on the reserve. Council staff will retain access rights for lighting maintenance. The top of the monopole will be covered by a shroud to conceal its equipment for a neat appearance and the finish of the pole will be a dull, neutral colour.

Important Background

Amplitel Pty Ltd operate a telecommunication tower in the Grange area, however the tower and technology are aging and requires replacement. The current location is not suitable to accommodate new infrastructure and so an alternate location on private land within the Grange area was explored. Due to significant negative feedback received from public consultation during the development approval process and failure by the applicant to provide additional information within the prescribed timeframe, the application was formerly refused on 7 June 2021.

Following this, a further review by the applicant of vacant land in the Grange area identified Grange Recreation Reserve (the Reserve) as a potentially suitable location for their infrastructure. A subsequent request to Council followed to enter into a commercial leasing arrangement with Amplitel Pty Ltd at the site for a period of 20 years.

As the Reserve is classified Community Land and the Community Land Management Plan (CLMP) for this site did not support the use of the land for above ground telecommunication infrastructure, amendments to the CLMP were required for this lease request from Amplitel to be considered. Public consultation on a proposed changes to the Grange Recreation Reserve CLMP was undertaken in October 2021.

A report was presented to Council on the outcomes of community consultation on 13 December 2021 (Item 6.126). At this meeting, Council resolved to amend the CLMP to allow for use of the reserve for future telecommunication infrastructure.

The following conditions when considering any future request for use of the Reserve for telecommunication infrastructure purposes were to be applied:

  1. A single tower may only be permitted to be constructed on the Reserve;
  2. The tower must not be positioned within a 100m distance of any residential building;
  3. The existing sports lighting already located in the reserve be attached to the monopole tower (if required) and be accessible for future maintenance; and
  4. The applicant must plant, or contribute to planting, any tree screening, greening or landscaping Council determines reasonable and necessary to limit visual intrusion and including measures for reducing or mitigating resident concerns.

We invite your views on the proposal

We want to hear from the community to understand your position on the proposed exclusive lease over a small portion of the Reserve for telecommunication infrastructure to address poor service and network quality in the area.

Complete our short feedback survey to tell us if you support the lease proposal or not, or if you have concerns, and the main reasons you feel this way. We'd also like to understand if you feel the proposal will impact on access to, or use of the reserve for sport, community or recreational purposes.

Please note, this consultation is not considering if telecommunication infrastructure should be allowed to be constructed on this reserve or alternative locations for a proposed lease that could be considered. This has already been approved by Council, following consultation with the community in 2021 on proposed amendments to the Community Land Management Plan for the Reserve. You can find out more about that community consultation in 'Important Background', above.

Participate and share feedback by 5pm, 23 October:

  • Attend the onsite community drop-in

    Visit us onsite and speak with the project team or telecommunication experts to learn more about the proposed lease & infrastructure. Staff can assist you to lodge your feedback or you can pick up a take home pack.

    Date: Saturday, 12 October 2024
    Time: Drop in anytime between 10am and 1pm
    Venue: Grange Royals Hockey Clubrooms (Fort Street, Grange)

  • Call us

    Contact our Engagement Team on 0421 300 961 to discuss the proposal, get further information, ask a question, or to request a hardcopy feedback survey to be posted to you.

    Call 0421 300 961

Frequently Asked Questions

We have developed some questions that may assist you when completing your feedback. If there is anything else that you still need answered, please get in contact with us.

Amplitel Pty Ltd (on behalf of Telstra) have requested a 20-year exclusive lease to install telecommunication infrastructure on a portion of land within the Grange Recreation Reserve, at the northern end of the reserve car park off Fort Street.

The reason for this request is to replace the outdated infrastructure currently servicing this area, and to alleviate poor phone service and network quality being experienced by the public in Grange and surrounding areas.

In 2021, the Council consulted with the community on proposed changes to the Grange Recreation Reserve Community Land Management Plan (CLMP). The purpose of these changes was to allow for the consideration of a lease for telecommunication infrastructure.

The proposed changes to the Community Land Management Plan were approved, however based on community feedback during consultation, three conditions were set for any future request to lease land for the purposes of telecommunication infrastructure:

  1. Only one telecommunication tower is allowed to be constructed in the Reserve.
  2. The tower must not be positioned within a 100m distance of any residential building.
  3. That the existing sports lighting already located in this reserve be attached to the telecommunication monopole (as required) and be accessible for future maintenance.
  4. The applicant must plant, or contribute to planting, any tree screening, greening or landscaping Council determines reasonable and necessary to limit visual intrusion and including measures for reducing or mitigating resident concerns.

The requested 20-year exclusive lease by Amplitel Pty Ltd will meet these conditions.

All residents/tenants, property owners and businesses within an approximate 400m radius of the Reserve boundary will be directly notified about this proposal to their residential or registered mailing address. We will also directly notify past participants of the CLMP amendment consultation on the details they provided us at that time, should they have an interest in this subsequent proposal.

Reserve users and visitors will be invited to participate in the consultation through onsite temporary signage, direct notification to sporting clubs, licence holders and nearby community organisations, and information at onsite facilities.

The wider interested public will be targeted via our Your Say Charles Sturt platform and email notification to targeted registered members, social media, a public notice in the Saturday Advertiser, and a display in our Civic Centre at 72 Woodville Road, Woodville.

Grange Recreation Reserve covers about 85,000 square metres. The proposed leased area for the telecommunication infrastructure would occupy around 60 square metres, less than 0.1% of the Reserve.

Amplitel Pty Ltd is proposing two small, fenced/restricted areas within the proposed lease site, up to a combined maximum size of 60 square metres. One area will house the telecommunication equipment shelter and the other will allow for a 30.8-metre-high telecommunications tower.

Public access to the fenced area/s will be restricted for safety reasons.

The proposed site is behind mature trees, adjacent to the northern end of the existing car park off Fort Street for minimal visual impact, and at least 100 metres from any residential buildings.

The primary benefit for the community is the improved phone service and network quality and coverage to this locality, improving connectivity in an area with known, long-standing service issues. The income from the lease will contribute to the ongoing services and new infrastructure projects within the city,

The lease will impact (alienate) community access to a very small portion of the reserve (less than 0.1% of the total reserve). The two, potential areas will be fenced or restricted for public access to ensure safety and security.

We acknowledge there may be concerns about amenity or impacts to the use of the space, typically associated with the construction of any infrastructure in a local setting. We will consider all related feedback shared during the consultation process and take reasonable measures to minimise community impacts.

The proposed height of the tower is 30.8 metres (+/-100mm), which is necessary to achieve optimal signal coverage.

The tower operates silently, with no noise emissions from the structure itself. Occasional maintenance may be required, but disruption will be minimal.

The design will incorporate a slim monopole tower with an enclosed shroud around the top to conceal telecommunications equipment for a neater appearance. Neutral, dull colours will be used to better blend with its surroundings. Consideration will be given to ground level landscaping and screening to reduce visual amenity impacts to users of the reserve and surrounding residential properties.

The tower is not expected to impact sporting activities due to its small footprint and location.

The removal of an existing sports lighting pole will be required, including the relocation of the impacted floodlight onto the tower monopole at the same height and position as the existing sports lighting. This will occur at the Lessee’s expense.

Council staff will retain access for the sports lighting maintenance.

Construction will be carefully managed to minimise disruptions to the Reserve. Temporary access restrictions surrounding the proposed lease site within the reserve may be necessary to manage personal risk and safety, however site works and restrictions will be communicated in advance.

The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) provides expert advice on the health and safety impacts of telecommunications towers. ARPANSA’s assessments indicate that towers are safe and must comply with strict regulations.

You can find more information on health and safety impacts in ARPANSA’s fact sheet: The Science of Safe Connection.

No, the lease agreement does not grant Development Approval, which must be granted before works can occur. Amplitel Pty Ltd must submit a Development Application under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. This application will be subject to assessment and approval before any construction can begin.

The lease income will be returned to Council’s annual budget to support our community plan and the ongoing delivery of important infrastructure projects.

For example, we are commencing a building upgrade to the Cyril Baxter Clubroom on Grange Recreation Reserve (Military Road) in November/December this year. The total budget for this project is $6.25m, incorporating a $3.25m contribution from the City of Charles Sturt and a State Government contribution from the Office for Recreation and Sport of $3m.

At the expiry of the lease the provider and Council can negotiate a new lease. If a new lease is not agreed, then the Lessee will need to remove their infrastructure and return the site to its original condition.

The best way to submit your feedback is by visiting the Your Say Charles Sturt project page and completing the short feedback survey by 5pm, Wednesday 23 October 2024.

You can also attend a drop-in session to discuss your feedback with our team, onsite, on Saturday, 12 October 2024, anytime between 10am and 1pm at the Grange Royals Hockey Clubrooms, Grange Recreation Reserve, Fort Street.

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These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Caitlin Tierney

Community Engagement Officer

Di Clayton

Senior Commercial Management Property Officer

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