Request overview

We received a request from Amplitel Pty Ltd (on behalf of Telstra Group Ltd) for a 20-year exclusive lease over a portion of land within the Grange Recreation Reserve (the Reserve). The purpose of the request is to secure an area for the construction of telecommunications infrastructure to address long-standing mobile phone service and coverage issues for residents, businesses, and visitors specifically in Grange and also surrounding areas.

Under Council's Telecommunications & Electricity Infrastructure on Council Land Policy, Amplitel were required to demonstrate that they have undertaken a comprehensive analysis of alternative, potential locations in the area for the proposed infrastructure, along with reasoning for the requested location. Amplitel advised that there are no remaining or alternative locations in the area that would resolve mobile coverage service issues to a satisfactory level.

A final decision on the lease request will consider all input we receive from the community.

It's important to note that the outcomes of this engagement will inform a decision on the lease of community land, as opposed to the construction of infrastructure at the site. That process will be subject to assessment under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016, and will likely be a publicly notifiable development.

Key dates

August 2024

Council Approval to Consider Request

At its meeting on 19 August (Item 4.42) the Asset Management Committee reviewed the lease request from Amplitel and considered the directions in the Community Land Management Plan for Grange Recreation Reserve and relevant Council policies. Council determined that the request was able to be considered and approved public consultation on the lease request, to understand community views before any decisions are made (CL 26 August 2024).

September - October 2024

Community Engagement

Community engagement was undertaken in September to October 2024 for a period of 4 weeks. This was promoted through a public notice in the Advertiser, direct notification to surrounding properties and residents, reserve signage, social media notices, and an onsite community information session. Find out more about the engagement here.

December 2024

Council Review of Findings & Amended Lease Request

In December, Council considered a report on the outcomes of community engagement and an amended lease proposal from the applicant in response to some concerns expressed in the community feedback (9 December 2024, Item 6.121).

Council agreed that community be notified of the amended lease proposal, including a new lease location proposed within the Reserve and updated site details, and be given the opportunity to share any new comments.

Amended proposal

After considering community feedback from 2024, Amplitel put forward an amended proposal for the location of their lease request on the Reserve (refer Figure 1 below). This alternative proposal was approved for further community notification and comment, specifically on the new location and required changes to the site and infrastructure plans. You can view more about the key changes to the proposal in the table below.

Initial instruction from Amplitel was that a southern-most location was preferred to achieve the best mobile service coverage outcomes for consumers. The updated location is a compromise position that considers concerns expressed during community engagement but will still meet coverage needs and acknowledges they have exhausted alterative locations for their infrastructure in the area.

Updated Plan showing amended lease location further north into the reserve nearer to Trimmer Parade and the cricket nets and existing storage shed. Also shows the 100m residential buffer maintained in the new location. Previous location is also marked whi

Figure 1: Updated location for proposed lease
You can click on the image to make it bigger

Key changes:

Initial proposalAmended proposal
Refer image
The initial lease location was on the southern end of the reserve, in front of the treed area adjacent the Fort Street carpark swing gate.

This location in the reserve was chosen by Amplitel for several reasons, including that it offered the best outcome for mobile coverage needs and had convenient, bituminised service access.
The updated location is 120m further north of the initial location (closer to Trimmer Parade) near the existing cricket nets and storage shed.

This location is expected to interfere less with sport and recreational reserve users, is further away from the clubrooms and playgrounds, and continues to provide service access.
Lease areaLease area of up to 60 square meters, made up of two separate areas. The first area was proposed for a standalone tower approximately 30.8m tall. A second fenced area was proposed nearby, 5m x 7m, to contain an equipment shed.

Lease area of up to 80 square metres, with the proposed tower at the same height (was 35m but reverted on 24/02/24) and equipment shed to be located together within an enclosed, fenced area of 10m x 8m.
Sports lighting The monopole tower would have to replace the nearby sports lighting pole, with the sports light relocated onto the monopole at the Lessee's expense), at its existing height of 14.5 meters to maintain the current lighting lux level on the reserve. Council staff would retain access rights for lighting maintenance.

No sports lighting will be affected or need to be relocated.
TreesLimited trees which may have required removal, reducing visual screening, and may have impacted a popular, shaded, spectator area.Is more protected by established reserve and perimeter trees, increasing visual screening (including from residential properties).

Updated Plans & Illustrations

Site Images with Infrastructure

Care to Comment?

If you would like to comment on the amended lease proposal, please share your feedback with us by Sunday, 16 March 2025. You can do this by submitting your feedback online using the form below. If that's not for you, you can:

  • Post to: Community Engagement, City of Charles Sturt, PO Box 1, Woodville SA 5011
  • Email to: (ATT Proposed Lease in Grange)
  • Contact us to discuss further: 8408 1111

No time or additional comments to share?

Feel free to take the quick poll with the click of a button!

Quick Poll

In your opinion, is the amended lease proposal more acceptable than the alternative proposal?

We're interested to know what you think about the amended lease proposal in comparison to the initial request. This will not be an indicator of support. It will help us understand your preferences should a lease be deemed acceptable at this site. If you feel neither are acceptable, you can share this by submitting feedback comments in the form below.

This poll has concluded.

  • Yes, I think the updated proposal in the 'northern' location is more acceptable.
    87% (33 votes)
  • No, I think the previous proposal in the southern location was more acceptable
    13% (5 votes)
Total Votes: 38

What next?

The community will be notified of the amended lease proposal and invited to share any further feedback related to the changes. All properties within approximately 400m of the reserve, reserve users and visitors, and all project followers and participants of the earlier consultation will be directly notified of this opportunity. Feedback will be open for a minimum of 3-weeks.

This second stage of engagement feedback will be collated with feedback already received about this proposal and presented to Council in April or May 2025. This report will likely seek a final decision Amplitel's 20-year exclusive lease request over a portion of Grange Recreation Reserve.

To stay informed about the outcome of this engagement, "Follow" this project by clicking the button at the top of the page or share your email or phone number in your feedback submission. All participants and followers will receive direct notification of the engagement and project outcomes.

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Caitlin Tierney

Community Engagement Officer

Ryan Peremiczko

Coordinator Property Management, Planning & Strategy

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Want to ask a private question or learn more about this project? Contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Caitlin Tierney, Community Engagement Officer
Phone 8408 1132
In writing

City of Charles Sturt
ATT: Community Engagement
PO Box 1