Feedback on the draft design is now closed

Thank you for sharing your feedback on the draft design. Consultation was open from 6 March to 27 March 2023.

Consultation with the community in September 2022 revealed that 72% of participants were supportive of the proposed new playground in Montgomery Reserve, on the corner of Gaskin Road and Weemala Street, Flinders Park.

The consultation results and a draft playground design were presented to the Asset Management Committee on Monday, 20 February 2022 (Item 4.02) and the playground proposal was supported by Council. This report, along with the outcomes of the community consultation can be viewed by navigating to 'Stage 1 - New Playground Proposal: Consultation Outcomes'.

During the consultation, we heard that:

  • People enjoy and value the reserve for its proximity to home, shady trees, quiet/peaceful setting and that it is flat and easy to move around.
  • Most children visiting the reserve are aged between 0-3 years (52%) and 4-7 years (61%).
  • Slides, swings, climbing equipment and nature play are features that your family would enjoy.
  • Some might enjoy other features included, such as:
    • In-ground trampoline
    • Flying fox
    • Small pump track
    • Nature islands, landscaping or community/veggie garden
    • Cubby houses or tree houses
    • Disability/special needs equipment
We are now seeking your feedback on the draft concept design (in the column to the right) for the new playground. The plan was informed by the feedback you shared with us about how you use the reserve, who you visit with, and what features you or your family might like to see if the playground was supported. Please note that some of the features requested by the community, such as a pump track, flying fox and other similar features are outside of the scope and budget of this project and were not able to be considered. Please view the proposed features and draft design, below, and then head to the feedback form to share your feedback - it should only take 1-2 minutes to complete.

Prefer to share your feedback in person?

We are happy to offer a couple of times in the last week of the consultation (20-24 March) to meet onsite with anyone who would like to discuss the project or share their feedback verbally. Email or contact me on the details below to express your interest.

Contact Information
Name Caitlin Tierney, Community Engagement Officer
Phone +61 8 8408 1132