
Funding approved to construct Montgomery Reserve Playground

3 July 2023

We're pleased to share that funding for construction of the Montgomery Reserve Playground in Flinders Park has been approved in the 2023/24 Annual Business Plan and Budget. This decision follows 2 stages of community consultation (playground proposal and playground design) and decisions of the Asset Management Committee and Council considering the engagement results and your feedback.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the consultation process. The feedback you shared about your local experiences in the area and what you love about the reserve was invaluable. Postal notification containing this final update and a copy of the playground design is being prepared for delivery to the original consultation catchment area late this week/early week. If you don't reside within 300m of Montgomery Reserve, please read on...

What now?

The final playground concept plan as endorsed by the Asset Management Committee (17 April 2023, Item 4.26) and Council, will be constructed in the 2023/24 financial year. We expect construction to commence around March 2024, but this is an indicative timeframe only. Advance notice signage will be displayed on the reserve at least 2 weeks prior to construction.

What's being constructed?

A copy of the approved concept plan is below for your reference, though we note that this may be subject to minor changes to ensure delivery within the project budget and scope (e.g unanticipated costs during the purchasing phase).

JPE Design Studio's Montgomery Reserve Playground Final Concept Plan

Approved Montgomery Reserve Concept Plan.
May be subject to minor changes.

Want more information?

If you would like to see more about the project, the consultation stages or decision reports, or view our responses to your comments & requests, head to the project page.

Otherwise, as always, reach out to us on if you have any queries.