Open for Play!

New Playground for Montgomery Reserve, Flinders Park

The new playground for Montgomery Reserve was completed in April 2024. We hope you love the new space, which was informed by feedback from the community. A natural look for the playground was inspired by the nearby linear park, and the playground features music play, inclusive swings, a play/resting hammock, small play fort with slide, bike store and park benches, and landscaping.

Project Background & Engagement with Community

  • About Montgomery Reserve

    Montgomery Reserve stretches from Kanbara Street to Weemala Street in Flinders Park, along the River Torrens Linear Park. It currently includes grassed areas, garden beds, numerous trees and the shared bicycle and pedestrian path.

    Other nearby playgrounds in/near Flinders Park include:

    • John Keeley Reserve (500 metres)
    • Tedder Reserve (800 metres)
    • Flinders Park Oval (850 metres)
    • Gerard Reserve (970 metres)
    • City of West Torrens playground, across the bridge at the end of Kanbara Street (460 metres)
  • Project Background

    Following requests from our community, City of Charles Sturt has allocated funding in its 2022/23 budget to investigate the development of a new playground at Montgomery Reserve, Flinders Park.

    The grassed area at the intersection of Gaskin Road and Weemala Street has been identified as the potential location for the proposed new playground. The results of this engagement will help us to understand the views of the community and inform further decisions regarding the proposal.

  • Out of Scope

    While all feedback and ideas for improvements at Montgomery Reserve will be considered, the intent of this project is for a proposed new playground and park furniture that is in keeping with the size of the reserve. At this time, we will not be considering features such as shade structure, shelters, toilets, BBQs, a drinking fountain, or irrigation. These are outside of the scope and anticipated budget for this project.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Stage one consultation is open

    From Friday, 23 September to Friday 14 October 2022 we will gather feedback to understand the community sentiment for a new playground on Montgomery Reserve and how it might be used.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Review of stage one consultation outcomes & report to Council

    A report on the stage one consultation outcomes will be provided to the Asset Management Committee of 20 February 2023 (updated from 12 December 2022 as a result of the Local Government elections). At this meeting, a decision will be made as to whether the project will proceed to stage two design consultation, pending the results of the feedback received.

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Budget bid submission for the construction of the playground

    If the proposed playground is supported and proceeds to the concept design phase, a 'Budget Bid' to build a new playground will be submitted by staff for consideration in Council's 2023/24 budget.

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Stage two consultation open

    If proposal is supported, we will seek feedback on a play space concept design for Montgomery Reserve in March 2023, including an option to meet with us onsite.

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Review of stage two consultation outcomes & report to Asset Management Committee

    A report on the stage two consultation outcomes will be provided to the Asset Management Committee for noting in April 2023, and to seek endorsement of the final concept design for construction, as informed by feedback received and subject to 2023/24 budget approval.

  • Timeline item 6 - complete

    Communication of final outcome

    We will communicate the final, approved playground concept design to be delivered in the 2023/24 year, subject to budget approval, and provide indicative construction timeframes.