Playgrounds being renewed in 2024/25

We are replacing five entire or partial playgrounds in the first 6 months of 2025, as scheduled for renewal in our Open Space and Recreation Infrastructure Asset Management Plan. Playgrounds are scheduled to be replaced when they have reached the end of their useful/safe life. The playgrounds are listed below.

Click on your local or visited play space below to see the design we've created for the replacement play equipment, based on how you told us you like to play during community consultation in July/August 2024, last year. You can also see a summary of the feedback we received about the play space, too.

If you missed the consultation, it's too late to share feedback on the design now. However, you can use the link on this page to share feedback or make suggestion that we can consider when we make future improvements at these locations.

Share feedback or suggestion

If you think something is missing from this play area, you can lodge feedback to make a request or suggestion via our Customer Portal.