Thanks to everyone who shared feedback on our draft playground renewal plan for Trust Reserve, Eagle Court, Semaphore Park during the consultation period (18 September 2023 - 16 October 2023). We have prepared a final design which includes some changes to the draft design we consulted with you on, based on details and feedback you provided during the consultation. Read on to see the results and to view the final plan.

of the new playground will commence late-April and be completed within 4-6 weeks. The public access gate to the playground will be closed for the duration of the works, and the playground will also be fenced off from student and public access within the reserve.

What you told us during consultation

Consultation participants shared feedback, as below:

Consultation Outcomes & Final Design

The draft play renewal design included replacement features such as:

  • New swing set with basket swing, strap swing and toddler swing
  • New play structure with sliding, monkey bars, small platform flying fox, and climbing.
  • New, timber playground fencing with additional, double gate entryway – to be opened outside of school hours for public use.
  • Additional planting and landscaping.

Following consultation, we amended the monkey bar design to be longer to allow more climbing for more adventurous or older children as a result of feedback received. We also removed the double-gate entry way.

We did have a request for (reinstatement of) a flying fox, and the Westport Primary School children also said that flying was one of their favourite play activities. However, the inclusion of long flying fox would have meant a much smaller play structure with significantly reduced play value and footprint. Based on the feedback, a larger structure with more play options was preferred.

Requests for additional amenities such as BBQs, seating, picnic settings, and a shade structure were out of scope for this renewal. A BBQ would not be suitable at this site as there a no public toilets to accommodate longer stays by visitors.

Shade structures are only considered for installation at regional reserves with high visitation, in locations were people may still venture out in hot weather and where there is little protection from the elements. There are already some very large, established trees around the playground with shady canopy to provide natural shade, and we will be planting additional trees as part of the renewal for increased shade in the future.

Requests for additional seating and a picnic setting in this location will be referred to the Open Space Planner or Westport Primary School for future consideration.

View the Trust Reserve Playground Renewal Final concept plan here

View examples of the new playground features here

Playground Fence Artwork

As part of the playground renewal, a new fence will replace the existing fencing surrounding the playground area. We wanted to use this opportunity for you to submit a hand-drawn picture that represents something about you, your culture, something you like, how you like to play, or something special to you about your local area with the intent of turning this into artwork to be attached to the surrounding fence. This opportunity was extended to the Westport Primary School students as well.

We received a number of beautiful, creative and inspiring drawings. Several images from the drawings we received were chosen to represent the diversity and culture of the area. We will be modelling these images into cutouts and attaching them to the new playground fencing.

An example of some of the drawings submitted that will inspire the fence artwork are below. We were blown away by the demonstration of original creativity, imagination and talent in each and every one of the drawings we received.

New Nature Play Space

We shared during consultation that we are also constructing a new nature play space at the south-western end of the oval near the community garden. This new area is being created as we recognise that the local community and general public aren't able to access the playground on Trust Reserve during school hours. Construction will start in June 2024.

Play features for this new place include:

  • Splayed timber, climbing and balancing structure with 11m long poles and hammock netting.
  • Rock and log edged garden bed with central water play.

This play space was excluded from the playground consultation as the initial budget and scope won’t allow for any additional play elements. Once this new nature play area has been constructed, we will welcome your suggestions or ideas for additions or improvements to this space for staff consideration in future budget years.

View the new, nature play area plan here >

Questions about this renewal or playground renewals in general?

If you have a question related to this playground renewal consultation or project, or playground renewals generally, feel free to reach out to me on the details below.

Contact Information
Name Caitlin Tierney, Community Engagement Officer
Phone 8408 1132
In writing

OSR&P Consultation
PO Box 1
Woodville, SA 5011