Project Update

Thank you to everyone who contributed feedback for our playground draft concept plan and visited us at the on-site sessions.

Our Urban Design Team are now reviewing all the feedback received to design the final plan for the playground. This also includes finalising equipment availability, costings and construction timeframes.

We will be in touch again once all the details are confirmed and provide you with the final plan and construction details.

Collins Reserve Playground Concept Features

The draft concept plan incudes 2 playstructures, swings and nature play.

List of features:

  • Double Flying Fox
  • Large Swing
  • 2 x Play Structures
  • 2 x Trampolines
  • Carousel
  • Nature Play
  • 25 new trees

There wil be additional understory planting, a new path and 25 new trees planted throughout the playground.

Playground Consultation

The Urban Design Team has created a draft concept plan for the playground and we would like you to let us know what is important to you in this community space.

We will be consulting on the playground draft concept plan from Monday 15 March, 2021 to 5:00pm Friday 2 April, 2021.

During this time we will also be conducting an onsite session at theCollins Reserve Playground on Wednesday 17 March 2021 commencing 4:30pm to 6:00pm. This will give us the opportunity to chat with you about your playground and options for the concept plan.

This project is for the playground structure and play space only and does not include any other infrastructure eg: shade structures, toilets, BBQ, fencing, turf or irrigation.