This stage of consultation closed on 22 November 2023.


Football Park oval is to be vested with Council on completion of the West development, which is expected to occur as early as 2026. When Football Park is vested with Council, we are proposing that the land be retained as open space and designated as “community land”. Under the Local Government Act 1999 a Community Land Management Plan (CLMP) must be established to set out how the community land can be used, and how it must be managed by Council.

What is the purpose of a CLMP?

The purpose of a CLMP is to define:

  • A general description of the land.
  • The name by which the land will be known.
  • The purpose for which the land is held.
  • Any lease or licence permissions.
  • Management objectives.
  • Proposal for managing the land.
  • Performance targets and measures.
  • Site boundaries, perimeters or plans.

Draft CLMP proposed for Football Park

We have prepared a draft CLMP for the land at Lot 5066 Turner Avenue, West Lakes, to be known as "Football Park", which sets out how the oval can be used and managed. This CLMP will not come into effect until the land is under the care and control of Council (eg in 2026).

We are proposing that Football Park be categorised as a 'District' open space, and the primary purpose for which the land is held is proposed to be open space, sporting, recreation, community facilities and services for community use, and spaces that may be utilised for complementary business purposes. Under the CLMP, Council may grant or renew leases and/or licences over any part or parts of Football Park.

It is proposed that additional parcels of open space will be vested with Council and designated as community land, as the WEST development around the oval matures. This will include a minimum 6 metre setback from the oval fence to any future private property boundary, plus important spaces for passive recreation, including a running/walking track around the oval's perimeter.

You can view a copy of the draft CLMP for Football Park under the Relevant Documents section of this page, or you can click here.

​Image of Football Oval with fencing and goals in the distance

Would you like to talk to us?

If you have a question about the draft Community Land Management Plan, please contact:

Name Di Clayton, Senior Commercial Management Property Officer
Phone +61 8 8408 1111

If you have a question about the consultation, drop-in sessions, or other general questions about this matter, feel free to contact:

Name Caitlin Tierney, Community Engagement Officer
Phone +61 8 8408 1132