
Council Meeting Report - 8 April 2024

5 April 2024

On 12 March 2024 (Item 6.17), the Council considered a report detailing the initial outcomes of community consultation which occurred late 2023 on a draft Community Land Management Plan (CLMP) and the SANFL's future, non-exclusive licence request for use of Football Park at certain times. At this time, Council noted the community engagement findings and requested a workshop be held to hear the SANFLs response to the community feedback and to consider the possible ways forward.

This workshop was held on 25 March 2024 and was attended by the SANFL, who presented an updated proposal regarding their request for a licence over Football Park. In addition, a Draft Open Space Agreement between City of Charles Sturt, the Developer (Commercial and General) and the existing landowner (SANFL) has been negotiated which, upon execution, will enable the balance of the remining open space to be vested to Council in the immediate future (bringing forward the proposed initial vesting date of the land at Football Park). When the land is vested with Council, an endorsed CLMP will be required to come into effect.

A further report is to be considered by the Council to reflect the updated circumstances and to recommend a second stage of community consultation be undertaken to update the community of the key changes to the proposals regarding the future use of Football Park.

You can view the full report to Council by viewing the Council Agenda for the meeting of 8 April 2024 (Item 6.28, "Football Park ‐ Proposed Community Land Management Plan and SANFL Licence Request", pg 15).

Should you wish to request a deputation to speak to the Council on this matter at their meeting, you can do so by completing a Deputation Request.