
Council Meeting Outcome of 8 April 2024

16 April 2024

At its meeting of 8 April 2024, the City of Charles Sturt Council received a report providing an update on amendments to the Draft Community Land Management Plan and SANFL's updated licence proposal. The report also considered a draft Open Space Agreement that would provide surety about the land to be vested with Council should the SANFL's licence request be approved.

While the report proposed that further community engagement be undertaken in light of the recent changes, this was not supported. The Council resolved that:

  1. Administration undertake discussions with relevant State Government agencies regarding the opportunity for Council to secure grant funding for the purpose of acquiring additional open space around the perimeter of the Football Park oval, to enable the provision of additional recreational facilities for the local community.
  2. A report be brought back to the next meeting of Council.

You can view the minutes of the meeting, including the presentations made by the public, by downloading them from the Council's Agenda and Minutes page here >>.

View the City of Charles Sturt's public statement following the Council meeting here.

Further updates will follow as they become available.

All consultation participants and project followers will be notified of project updates. To be notified when this report becomes available, please ensure you are following the project page (head to the project page and click "+Follow" in the project page banner at the top of the page).

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