On Monday 22 April 2024, Council endorsed further engagement with the community on the future plans for Football Park.

The consultation will include the draft Community Land Management Plan (CLMP) for Football Park as well as the proposed non-exclusive, enables community shared use, licence (10+10+10+10+2 years) for the oval to the South Australian National Football League (SANFL).

The primary purpose for the oval is proposed as open space, sporting, recreation, community services and facilities for community use, and spaces that may be utilised for complementary business purposes.

Under the CLMP, the City of Charles Sturt is authorised to grant or renew licences over any part or parts of the oval.

When community land is vested to us, legislation requires that we prepare and adopt a management plan to govern the land. A CLMP identifies the area of community land and sets out how the land can be used and must be managed. When the oval is vested to Council an endorsed CLMP must be in effect.

The SANFL is requesting a future, non-exclusive licence to use the oval from 5:00pm to 8:30pm on weekdays and for a maximum of 5 hours across the weekend, for a period of 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 2 years.

This means the community would have access to the oval when it’s not required by the SANFL.

This non-exclusive licence gives our community access to the oval at all other times and means this is a shared arrangement between the City of Charles Sturt community and the licencee.

As part of the licence agreement, the SANFL agrees to 100% of oval surface maintenance at a cost of $120k per year.

The SANFL’s interest in relocating its headquarters and training facilities to the oval is a direct result of the Adelaide Football Club’s (AFC) announcement that it intends to make Thebarton Oval, the current base of the SANFL, its permanent home.

With their current agreement Thebarton Oval due to expire in the future and the AFC’s proposed departure from Football Park, the SANFL has requested to move back to West Lakes where they were the owner of the site from the mid-1970’s until 2013.

If a licence is granted and the SANFL does relocate, it intends to purchase private land from the WEST developer (Commercial & General – C&G) and invest approximately $26m on the construction of new administration and high-performance training facilities, which will include oval lighting and car parking. This private land adjoins their commercial property, ‘Mosaic Hotel’, and is adjacent to the oval.

Please note, any proposed development is not part of this consultation process. Any future development proposed on private land will be subject to the Planning, Development & Infrastructure Act 2016.

Yes. The oval was always intended to be the largest component of the open space provision required as part of C&G’s WEST development.

Equally, when the Minister for Planning announced this outcome, it was always known that the AFC would have a permanent presence at Football Park for the duration of their current licence (until at least 2048).

The WEST development is legally required to provide at least 15% of the total development area as open space for amenity, sporting, and recreational purposes, including for the local community to enjoy. Currently, the total open space allocation for the WEST development is approximately 20%.

The SANFL would primarily be seeking to use the oval for a maximum of 90 hours a month, from 5pm – 8:30pm on weeknights and for a maximum of 5 hours per weekend. This will be a maximum of 16% of daylight hours. Outside of those times, the oval will be available to our community to use.

Peak football training months are from February to June, with less usage in July and from November to January. Limited to no usage is required from August to October.

The usage proposed by the SANFL is significantly less than a typical sportsground within our City would receive, enabling the grounds to be more available for community use in comparison.

Around the oval there are plans to build a running/walking path, playground, seating, and other amenities. This area would be accessible by the community at any time.

Yes. Permanent lighting towers will need to be installed to provide for evening football training activities, particularly in winter. Temporary lighting towers have been in place for the last 12 months as part of the AFC’s AFL squad training requirements (future lighting will be relatively low intensity (200 lux) and significantly lower than the levels required for televised games).

If the SANFL is required to relocate, and given the long lead time required to plan, finance, and undertake construction of the new facilities, it is likely that they will not be seeking to move until 2026.

The SANFL is seeking approval from Council for a 10+10+10+10+2-year, non-exclusive licence agreement to enable access to the oval for the duration of that period, given the level of investment associated with their proposed relocation to Football Park.

While their existing licence doesn’t expire until 2048, the AFC is currently seeking a permanent move to Thebarton Oval.

A State Government funding commitment of approximately $15m to support the AFC’s proposed relocation to, and development of Thebarton Oval, has been provided.

The Adelaide Football Club will retain their existing license over the oval until the expiry of their licence with the SANFL in 2048, until the land is vested with Council, or until they secure relocation elsewhere.

The consultation is open from Saturday 4 May, 2024 and closes 5.00pm Sunday 2 June, 2024.

To share your feedback:

  • Complete the online community survey.
  • Call us on 8408 1111 to have a staff member do this with you over the phone
  • Pick up a hardcopy from Civic Centre or Ngutungka West Lakes
  • Visit us during the Community Drop-In Sessions on Saturday 11 May between 10.30am - 12.00pm or Wednesday 22 May between 5.00pm and 6.30pm and we can help you with the survey or you can grab a hardcopy.

A further report for Council’s consideration will be presented at the Council meeting in June, 2024.

Considering the outcomes of consultation and other important factors, the report will also recommend how Council should proceed with the draft CLMP and the proposed non-exclusive licence of the oval to the SANFL.

All feedback received during consultation for each of the matters under consideration by Council will be appended (anonymously) to the Council report for the Elected Members’ review.

If you have been/are a participant in this consultation or are “Following” the Your Say Charles Sturt project page (“Plans for Football Park”) you will be notified when the report is available in the Council meeting agenda.