Following the 2021/22 budget process, funding has now been approved and we anticipate that preliminary works will commence in November 2021 and construction of the public amenities early 2022 with completion expected February/March 2022.
The public amenities consist of an Exeloo automated public toilet which will provide a safe, hygienic and welcoming environment for users. With vandal resistant fixtures and surfaces, automated daily locking and unlocking and access facilities for people with disabilities, Exeloos are one of the best options for public facilities. The Exeloo will be surrounded with timber screening and landscaping to blend with the existing environment in the reserve.
Next Steps
Following the endorsed Council motion on 22 February 2021, and the Budget Bid process this proposal will now be considered at the Corporate Services Committee meeting on Tuesday 16 March 2021, to review Capital and Annual Operating budget bids 2021/22 and determine those bids for inclusion in the Draft Annual Business Plan 2021/22 for consultation.
Project Update & Report for Consultation Outcomes
The consultation period has now closed. Staff will now review all feedback received and prepare a report for presentation to the Asset Management Committee on Monday 15 February 2021.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide feedback for the consultation.
The report presented to the Asset Management Committee can be viewed here and the minutes for the meeting are available here.
The following motion was endorsed by Council on 22 February 2021:
1. That the report be received and noted.2. That the results of community engagement for a proposed new public toilet at Parfitt Square, Bowden, as outlined in Appendix B, be noted.
3. That Option B be endorsed as the preferred location for the new public toilet at Parfitt Square, Bowden.
4. That Council considers funding of $190,000 for the construction of a new public toilet at Parfitt Square, in its 2021/22 budget preparations. 5. That the community be notified of the results of the community engagement and Council's decision regarding the design and location of the new public toilet, and that the construction is subject to funding being approved in the 2021/22 budget process.
Consultation now closed
The consultation period has now closed and we would like to thank everyone who contributed to their feedback.
Staff will now review all the feedback received and a report will be presented to the Asset Management Committee on Monday 15 February, 2021 on the consultation outcomes.
Project Background
A budget has been allocated for the 2020/21 financial year to determine the community desire and the development of concept plans for Public Amenities within the grounds of Parfitt Square.
Council investigated the location and style of the proposed amenities that would best suit Parfitt Square. The investigation identified that there are two (2) possible locations for the amenities. At present there are no public amenities available to the community within Parfitt Square or surrounding areas.
As part of the investigation and research into the proposed locations, we took into consideration Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Principals. This also included passive surveillance for both location options and the appearance of the amenities.Community Consultation
We are now seeking your feedback on the requirement for public amenities in this reserve and your preferred location.
There are 2 options for the location of the amenities:
Option A - Thirteenth Street (near car park)
Option B - Fourteenth Street (near playground)
Following the consultation a report will be presented to the Asset Management Committee in February 2021 on the consultation outcomes.
Location Option A
Location Option A - Features
- Height - 2.2 Metres plus roofline
- Construction - Recycled materials with powder coat finish
- Design - Local artwork will encase the facia of the building
- Landscape - Native shrubs will be planted to surround the amenity
- Footprint - The amenity will be approx 14 square meters in total (including the building and shelter)
Option A - Proposed Plans & Illustrations
Location Option B
Location Option B - Features
- Height – 2.2 Metres plus roofline
- Construction – Recycled materials – powder coat finish
- Design – Local artwork on building facia
- Landscape – Native Shrubs
- Footprint – Approx 14 square meters
- Timber screening will surround the amenity to blend with the landscape

Overview of location options A & B