
Brompton Gasworks Code Amendment

20 September 2024


The Brompton Gasworks site is being developed by MAB Corporation Pty Ltd (MAB) into a vibrant medium density, mixed-use, urban village. MAB is seeking to amend the Planning and Design Code so that it is better aligned with MAB’s long-term vision for the site (as agreed with Renewal SA).

The Affected Area is approximately 5.8 hectares in area, zoned Urban Neighbourhood, and is bound by Chief Street, Second Street, Drayton Street and a rail corridor.

The proposed Code Amendment seeks to amend the existing Concept Plan that applies over the Affected Area and introduce a new Concept Plan into the Planning and Design Code. This new Concept Plan will illustrate access connections, open space areas, heritage buildings and building height controls for the Affected Area. This will increase the maximum building height for the Affected Area from 10 storeys to 12 storeys, excluding any affordable housing incentives.

The Code Amendment also proposes to remove the Historic Area Overlay from the Affected Area, while still retaining the existing heritage buildings and State Heritage Place Overlay.

The Code Amendment also proposes to amend the car parking policies that apply to the Affected Area, to enable a precinct-based approach to car parking, rather than assessing car parking on a development-by-development basis.

The proposed Code Amendment will provide the Council and community with more certainty about the how the land will be developed, increase the amount of open space sought within the Affected Area, recognise the retention of the heritage buildings within the Affected Area and will ensure that the car parking needs of the Affected Area are considered holistically.

Consultation period:

Consultation begins: 4 September 2024
Consultation ends: 5:00 pm, 15 October 2024

Engagement events:

Members of the public are welcome to attend a drop-in session which will be held at the 19 on Green Community Centre, 19 Green Street, Brompton on:

  • Sunday 22 September 2024, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
  • Monday 23 September 2024, 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm

To read more visit the PlanSA website.