
Final reserve design and CLMP Approved for Spad Street Reserve

20 April 2023

At its meeting of 27 March 2023 Council endorsed the final reserve concept design and Community Land Management Plan (CLMP) for the new reserve in Albert Park, temporarily named 'Spad Street Reserve'. Based on community engagement results, a number of elements were added to the plan, such as bins, dog water tap, climbing features, reconsideration to tree and plant species selection (including native plants that will attract bees, butterflies and birds), a nature walk, a path for riding, lighting and provision for a community library and future community garden.

The next stage of this project is to proceed with detailed design and procurement of goods and services. We will be in touch with all consultation participants and residents and property owners within the initial consultation catchment area when detailed design has been completed and a timeframe for construction has been determined. This notification will likely occur around June.

While we continue to make final site preparations and arrange procurement, we are aiming for reserve construction to commence in August 2023, dependent on the winter weather.

Approved for Spad Street Reserve