
Outcome of Consultation - Mirani Viewing Platform

3 May 2022

In January 2022 we consulted with the local community regarding a proposal to construct an elevated viewing platform in Mirani Court Reserve to primarily allow people living with a disability to appreciate the views along the coastline. The consultation sought feedback to understand the level of support for the proposed viewing platform.

Consultation Feedback

We undertook consultation over a period of 3 weeks in January/February 2022. During the consultation we had 63 responses to our proposal from 262 packages mailed and 2 onsite signs detailing the proposal to visitors to the area.

Feedback shows that the majority of the local community and users of the reserve (51%) are supportive of such an initiative but have raised concerns with the proposed location near the toilet block due to overlooking/privacy concerns, impact on views from nearby properties and the material used for the platform and its height.

As a result of this feedback an alternative location for the viewing platform has been identified on the edge of the dunes at the end of Mirani Court.

This new location will allow the platform to be constructed at a much lower height (a maximum height of 1m) which will ensure that coastal views from nearby properties are not impacted and will remove concerns about overlooking into nearby properties.

A community engagement report is available here

We plan to work with the State Government Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) and integrate the platform with the future Coast Park path (subject to negotiations with DIT).

View the updated concept plan showing the new location for the viewing platform.

What happens next?

A budget bid for construction of the viewing platform has been included in the Draft Annual Business Plan for the 2022/23 financial year. Once the outcomes of the budget process are known we will contact the community again to provide further information on the likely timing of the construction works.