Project News

Consultation has now concluded. An update on the project is available in Project News

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Project Background

We consulted with local residents/business owners in 2020 across 5 key streets identified in our Albert Park Living Streets program. These streets included, Glyde Street, May Street, Murray Street, Jervois Street and Grace Street.

Living Streets is about reimagining the design of your street and neighbourhood to prioritise people; whether it be as a walker, bike rider, driver or to socialise with family and neighbours.

Through the consultation period we asked people how they would reimagine their local street and what could be done to enhance their liveability.

What we heard

During the consultation, we had 37 people respond to our online survey and 5 people attend our open day.

Some of the key comments that people felt across all streets that were not working and that could be improved were:

  • Not enough trees
  • More street appeal
  • Cut through traffic and vehicle speed
  • Reduce speed / traffic calming
  • Upgraded lighting
  • Footpaths are in disrepair
  • Create open space / park
  • Stobie pole art

Overall, local residents felt that the most important factors for their streets were:

  • slower safer streets
  • upgraded footpaths
  • safe walking connections with designated signage.

This was followed by:

  • more street trees
  • bike connections & crossings
  • connecting socially

An engagement report is now available

May Street Road Reconstruction

May Street will be one of the first streets in the Living Streets program to undergo an upgrade as the road requires urgent rehabilitation.

Federal Funding

We have received a federal grant which will allow us to complete the full length of the street from Port Road to West Lakes Boulevard. Total cost of the project is estimated at $1.6 million with a federal contribution of approximately $780,000.

What are the options?

We are proposing two concept options for May Street. The streetscape elements in both options are the same eg. footpaths, road width, verges, slow points, raingardens. However the key difference in Option A & B is the intersection of Grace/ Jervois /May Street, which proposes a different traffic treatment.

Port Road Intersection

Artist Impression only

Before After

Option A - Driveway Link

Artist impression only

Before After

Option B - At Grade Intersection

Artist Impression only

Before After

Mid block - Slow Point (looking toward West Lakes Boulevard)

Artist Impression only

Before After

Murray Street Road Closure

We also consulted on the Murray Street road closure and how that could be improved by proposing a bike link through it. This is to enable bike riders to access the closure safely rather than riding on the same footpath as pedestrians. This type of concept is quite common in road closures across the City. Overall, we had 1 person love it, 19 like it, 7 didn’t like it and 5 felt it could be improved.

There were some suggestions to create this into a park, however due to space and existing trees we will not be able to achieve this. There will be future opportunities to look at street furniture and other activation through the Your Neighbourhood Plan.

Through additional investigations and future road alignment in Murray Street the original plan was amended. There will be very minor impact to landscaping in the road closure as the new path will utilise the existing alignment. Council were awarded a grant of $10,000 from the Department for Infrastructure and Transport for the construction of the Murray Street Road Closure pedestrian and cyclist link.

An updated plan is available to view.

Construction has been brought forward and programmed to commence in May/June 2021. Affected residents will be notified by our contractor prior to starting work.