Project updates:


We consulted with the community from 19 February to 17 March 2024 on draft landscape concept designs for two new "Pocket Parks" (reserves) to be developed in Bowden and Brompton on existing vacant land gifted to the City of Charles Sturt. This land, gifted from the Department of Infrastructure and Transport (DIT), was a community commitment resulting from the State Government's Ovingham Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP) to provide new areas of open space back to the community.

If you missed it previously, three pocket parks were committed by DIT; two in the City of Charles Sturt and one in City of Prospect, as below:

  • Torrens Road x Chief Street, Brompton - approximately 2,670m2 (City of Charles Sturt)
  • Torrens Road x Drayton Street, Bowden - approximately 4,000m2 (City of Charles Sturt)
  • Rear of 5-17 Devonport Terrace, Ovingham (City of Prospect)

You can view the draft landscape concept plans for each of the Chief Street and Drayton Street Pocket Parks, as well as the initial scope of works agreed upon with DIT and information provided during consultation by heading the "Community Engagement: February 2024" page.

Read on to view the high-level engagement findings, the final concept designs and to access links to more detailed information on the consultation outcomes and the decision report to be considered by the Asset Management Committee at its meeting on 20 May 2024.

Quick Facts: Consultation Findings

What changed from the draft design?

  • More Trees

    More large and tall trees added for screening of rail and road corridors, urban cooling & shady rest areas.

  • Seating

    More bench & informal seating, including a mounded seating area in Drayton to accommodate future activation & activites.

  • More understory & shrubs

    To create a biodiverse habitat for insects, birds and other wildlife.

  • Shelter & shade

    Provision for future shelter at Drayton St. Naturally shady areas created.

  • Less turfed areas

    Reduced turf area to add more trees and increase mulched, vegetated areas.

  • Outdoor fitness

    Provision for fitness equipment at Chief St to compliment future bikeway.

  • Community garden beds

    We've added citrus trees & community garden beds for your use. Create native, bush tucker or food gardens.

  • Water, bins and dog bags

    Bins added. Provision for dog bags (subject to volunteers) & water fountain.

  • Accessible footpath

    Drayton Street footpath along the reserve will be renewed & widened with in-reserve alignement.

  • Access to site power

    A power outlet will be available at Drayton Street to allow for future activation/commuity events.

  • Art & sculpture

    Allowance for future art/sculpture subject to community-led activity.

Final Landscape Concept Plans

View the final landscape concept plan for each of the two, new pocket parks below, as informed and amended by the feedback you shared with us. Click on the image to view it in full screen mode.

A few other notes:

  • We're currently exploring a partnership opportunity with treenet which might result in the ability to install one or two semi-mature trees that will become large, significant or feature trees at either of the pocket parks (reserves) when fully grown. A plaque would recognise these trees as being gifted through the Pelzer Prize.
  • Some of the requested inclusions or initiatives will be further explored upon construction of the pocket park.
    • Volunteers will be requested to administer the dog waste bag dispensers before they are installed. We have some names from our consultation community drop-in session that we will pass to our animal management team.
    • Requests related to community gardening, learning activities, place activation (eg for adult exercise, events, workshops, coffee shop etc) will have to be business owner and resident, community-led activities with Council support, direction or funding assistance available, as applicable, following the reserve construction.
    • Infrastructure requests such as fitness equipment, physical shelter, and water fountain will be considered in accordance with demand and a future budget allocation, eg for 2025/26. If these items are a priority for you when the reserve is constructed, please reach out to your Hindmarsh Ward Councillors (Elected Members).
  • We asked for your reserve naming ideas during this consultation. A Kaurna name was highly supported that reflected the local area, or otherwise a name the recognised a valued community member or even "Lizard Park" for Drayton Street. We will consider a few different options with input from Kaurna representatives and consult on the reserve names at the same time that we consult with you on draft Community Land Management Plans (CLMP) for the sites. This will likely be in late 2024/25.

What next?

Subject to any decisions of the Asset Mangement Committee of 20 May 2024, and decisions of Council in the 2024/25 Annual Business Plan and Budget process, we will intend to commence construction of the parks based on the final design in 2024/25 with a hopeful completion date of end-June 2025 or shortly following. As mentioned above, you might hear from us between April and June 2025 to get your feedback on the CLMPs and reserve naming options.