Kidman Park Residential and Mixed Use Code Amendment (Privately Funded)
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Minister Approves Code Amendment - February 2023
The Minister for Planning adopted the Kidman Park Residential and Mixed Use Code Amendment on 28 February 2023. The Code Amendment will come into effect once consolidated into the online Planning and Design Code and published on the PlanSA Portal by the Government’s Planning and Land Use Services Department.
In summary, the Minister agreed with the changes Council made following the conclusion of the public consultation process in August 2022. Key changes related to the concept plan and maximum building height. View the "Concept Plan Comparison Diagram" below to see the key differences between the original concept plan proposed in March 2022, and the final concept plan approved in February 2023.
the Minister’s adoption of the Code Amendment, the Code Amendment process will be reviewed by the Environment, Resources and Development Committee of the
SA Parliament.
For further information visit the PlanSA Planning Portal.
The Minister's adoption now concludes this Code Amendment.
Concept Plan Comparison Diagram
Slide the arrow below to compare the original concept plan proposed in March 2022, and the final version approved by the Minister for Planning in February 2023.

Policy revised following public consultation - August 2022
Council's City Services Committee considered the draft Code Amendment on Monday 15 August 2022, and following that Council considered the draft Code Amendment on Monday 22 August 2022.
In response to the matters raised during the public consultation stage a number of changes have been made to the Kidman Park Residential and Mixed Use Draft Code Amendment, and these changes have been endorsed by Council. Key amendments include:
- Revised Concept Plan (see elsewhere on this page).
- Changes to the maximum height of buildings (refer to the Revised Concept Plan).
Council endorsed that the approval package including the Kidman Park Residential and Mixed Use Draft Code Amendment (Part‐Privately Funded), Engagement Report, and submissions from residents, be approved and submitted to the Minister for Planning for consideration in accordance with Section 73 (7) of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act, 2016.
Links to agendas and minutes of the meetings held on 15 and 22 August 2022 are provided below.
- City Services Committee Agenda – Meeting held on Monday 15 August 2022
- Item 4.20 - Appendix 2 - Engagement Report - Kidman Park
- City Services Committee Minutes – Meeting held on Monday 15 August 2022
- Council Agenda – Meeting held on Monday 22 August 2022
- Council Minutes – Meeting held on Monday 22 August 2022
Proposal to rezone land at Kidman Park
The City of Charles Sturt proposes to rezone land at Kidman Park. The rezoning process is called a “Code Amendment” as it is a proposal to amend the South Australian Planning and Design Code.
The Code Amendment proposes to rezone around 12.6 hectares of land bound by Findon Road to the east, Valetta Road to the north, the River Torrens (Karrawirra Parri) to the south, and housing to the west. Refer to the Area Affected maps on this page.
The area of land includes the former Metcash site as well as two additional land parcels on Valetta Road. The land is identified as:
- 406-412 and 414-450 Findon Road, Kidman Park; and
- 5 and 7 Valetta Road, Kidman Park.
The Code Amendment proposes the rezoning of land from the current Strategic Employment Zone to the Urban Renewal Neighbourhood Zone, with a Mixed-Use Transition Subzone in the north-east portion allowing mixed use development in the form of residential and commercial.
Investigations (e.g. traffic assessment, stormwater management, environmental assessment, utility infrastructure capacity, built form and desired land uses) have now been undertaken and form part of the draft Code Amendment.
A Concept Plan is proposed to assist in guiding the assessment of future development. The Concept Plan shows desired maximum building heights, vehicle access points, pedestrian and cycling links, desired future public open space, and stormwater detention areas. A revised version of the Proposed Concept Plan will be added to this page in late August 2022 once it is available.
Community consultation has now closed
During the public consultation period, the Draft Code Amendment could be viewed on this page or through the Plan SA website. Hard copies were available at the following City of Charles Sturt sites:
- Civic Centre and Library - 72 Woodville Road, Woodville;
- Hindmarsh Library - 139 Port Road, Hindmarsh;
- Findon Library - Findon Shopping Centre, Cnr. Findon and Grange Roads, Findon;
- Henley Beach Library - 378 Seaview Road, Henley Beach; and
- Ngutungka West Lakes Library - 9 Charles Street, West Lakes (just off Turner Drive).
Community were also able to find out more by attending one of two pop-up information stands held on 5 May and 14 May, read the information brochure and Kidman Park Residential and Mixed Use Draft Code Amendment (refer Document Library).
Community were invited to provide feedback on the Kidman Park Residential and Mixed Use Draft Code Amendment between Tuesday 12 April and 5.00pm, Tuesday 14 June 2022. Written submissions could be provided in a number of ways:
- Online by completing this Submission Form; or
- Online via the SA Planning Portal; or
- Email and clearly mark as 'Kidman Park Residential and Mixed Use Code Amendment'; or
- Post to the Chief Executive Officer, City of Charles Sturt, PO Box 1, Woodville SA 5011 and clearly mark as 'Kidman Park Residential and Mixed Use Code Amendment'.
Submissions needed to indicate if you wish to be heard, or don't wish to be heard, at the public meeting.
Following the consultation period, submissions were made available for viewing online and at the Civic Centre from the end of the consultation period until the conclusion of the process. The the volumes of consolidated and redacted submissions are located in the document library below and can be viewed here - Part 1 of 3, Part 2 of 3 and Part 3 of 3.
A Public Meeting for the Kidman Park Residential and Mixed Use Draft Code Amendment was held on Monday 20 June 2022 at 6.00pm at the Charles Sturt Civic Centre, 72 Woodville Road, Woodville. View the Agenda and Minutes of the meeting.
The Code Amendment process
The Code Amendment process includes a number of steps which must be undertaken before any changes to zoning or policy can be implemented. Broadly the process involves:
- Initiation
- Initiated: Preparation (pre-engagement)
- On Consultation and Public Hearing
- Consultation Completed
- Finalised (Approved or Refused)
- Parliamentary Review.
The Kidman Park Residential and Mixed Use Code Amendment (Privately Funded) has now concluded the 'Consultation Completed' step.
An overview of the Code Amendment process can also be viewed on the Plan SA website.
More information
Information about the Initiation of Kidman Park Code Amendment can also be viewed through this Plan SA website link. You can click on the "Code Amendment Map Viewer" to view a map; or scroll down to the list of all Code Amendments and click on "Kidman Park Residential and Mixed Use Code Amendment" to read an overview and view documents.
The Code Amendment Timeline in the right-hand column provides a summary of the process and the status of the Kidman Park Residential and Mixed Use Code Amendment (Privately Funded).
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Who's listening
Jim Gronthos
Senior Policy Planner, City of Charles Sturt
Phone: 8408 1265
Georgina House
Community Engagement Coordinator, City of Charles Sturt
Phone: 8408 1111