Safety Concerns
Community concerns have been raised about traffic safety at the intersection of Banks Avenue, Torres Avenue and Tasman Avenue with the following comments received:
“… there have been a few near collisions on the corner of Banks Ave, Torres Ave and Tasman Ave… vehicles travel down Banks Ave into Torres Ave, around to the right of Torres or even to Tasman Ave.
"Our fear/concern is that someone is going to get hurt or killed, we would appreciate prompt action on either Stop signs or Give Way signs along with road markings to prevent an accident occurring.”
“… residents turning from Banks Ave right onto Tasman Ave may continue on directly without giving way as there is no clear intersection (potentially colliding with drivers coming along Torres Ave).”
Existing Traffic Conditions
The intersection of Banks Avenue, Torres Avenue and Tasman Avenue is an unusual one, with Tasman Avenue intersecting with Torres Avenue at an acute angle and the ‘Give Way’ sign in Tasman Avenue 40 metres south of the centre of this four-way intersection.
The large open area at the centre of the intersection has no lane markings and this creates confusion about who has traffic priority and whether drivers are crossing opposing lanes of traffic as they move through the intersection.
Four-way intersections normally meet at right angles and have ‘Give Way’ or ‘Stop’ signs at opposing legs. The intersection of Banks Avenue, Torres Avenue and Tasman Avenue does not fit this mould.

Safety Changes Required
The angle at which Tasman Avenue meets Torres Avenue should be realigned to improve visibility for drivers coming out of Tasman Avenue. Realigning Tasman Avenue and Torres Avenue will also result in separating this intersection from conflict at Banks Avenue and Torres Avenue.
To improve and reduce confusion and traffic conflict at this intersection the following is proposed:
- Drivers entering Torres Avenue from Tasman Avenue will be able to make a typical left or right turn, reducing entry speeds and improving visibility.
- Drivers entering Tasman Avenue from Banks Avenue will be able to make a typical left turn into Tasman Avenue, which reduces entry speeds and improves intersection safety.
- The proposed changes will result in retaining on street parking (away from travel lanes) outside 5, 7 and 7A Tasman Avenue (usually, on-street parking within 10 metres of an intersection is not permitted).
- The residents of 5, 7 and 7A Tasman Avenue will be required to enter their driveways from Torres Avenue.
- Raised pavement bars will be installed close to kerbside parking spaces outside 5, 7 and 7A Tasman
- Avenue.
- Drivers will be required to make ‘tighter’ turns at the intersection to negotiate it safely, which may be regarded as a disadvantage (these turn angles are typical of most intersections throughout our local road network).