
Next Steps for Sinclair Reserve Improvements in Grange

12 December 2024

We would like to thank everyone for participating in the community engagement in October/November 2024 and sharing what you might like to see at Sinclair Reserve. It was great to see that there was support for initiatives like greening and shade, and a place to sit and rest in a cool and quiet setting. We also appreciated hearing your other suggestions and ideas about what would make the space more used or more appealing.

A quick snapshot of the key things we heard are displayed below.

What next?

Firstly, we will share these key findings with your ward councillors for Grange who initiated this community engagement so they could put forward some improvements for Sinclair Reserve with you in mind. With their support, staff will put a budget request together that will allow us to deliver some of the key improvements you supported or suggested. In February 2025 when meetings recommence after the holiday period, we will present the more detailed Community Engagement Summary Report to the Asset Management Committee meeting (likely 17 February 2025).

This report will:

  • Share the engagement findings
  • Propose the Sinclair Reserve Improvements project, including the specific improvements we want to deliver for you; and
  • Seek in principle support for the money required to do the proposed improvements in 2025/26.
If approved, the final improvements and funding will be confirmed during the 2025/26 Annual Business Plan and Budget process which will occur through May and June 2025. You can participate in this process to lend your support for this project and increase its opportunity for success.

Stay involved

If you received direct notification of this project update, you will be notified when the report proposing the improvements is considered in February 2025. We will also let you know the outcome of this report and how you can participate in the budget process. If the project and the required funding is approved in the 2025/26 budget, will notify the neighbourhood directly to share information about the project and when it will be delivered within that financial year.