Why are we considering reserve improvements?

We have received requests from the community to investigate future improvements for Sinclair Reserve. The local ward councillors for Grange with the support of Council approved funding for staff to consult with the local area about the current state of the reserve.

From 18 October to 10 November 2024, we asked the community to share if and how you use Sinclair Reserve currently, and how it could be improved so you that you might visit more regularly in future. The feedback we gathered from community engagement will be used to inform specific improvements proposed for the reserve, and to request the budget to deliver the improvements - ideally in 2025/26.

View the summary findings below or read the complete Community Engagement Report.

Community Feedback Snapshot

Reserve Improvements Proposed 2024/25 & 2025/26

A report is to be considered by Council in the meeting agenda of the Strategic and Engagement Committee on 17 February 2025. This report shares the Community Engagement outcomes of late last year with Council and proposes that Council:

  • Refers consideration of a budget bid for $60,000 for improvements at Sinclair Reserve, including new rubbish bin, irrigation, nature play elements and greening initiatives, to the 2025/26 Annual Business Plan and Budget process; and
  • Note the $10,000 of remaining funding available for this project in the 2024/25 financial year, with the funding to be used to install new seating at the reserve by end-June 2025.

If approved, including the $60k additional improvements budget being endorsed through the 2025/26 Annual Budget and Business Plan process, new seating will be delivered by end-June 2025 with the remaining play and reserve improvements delivered before or by end-June 2026.

You can check back to this page to see if the Sinclair Reserve improvements proposal is approved by Council a week or so following the meeting. If the project budget is approved for 2025/26, we will likely display an advance notice sign on the reserve to notify you of the pending work and share details of the improvements. We will also send a direct update to everyone who is following this page or participate in the engagement in October & November 2024.

More project information

Sinclair Reserve, pictured in the banner above, is a ‘local’ reserve set amongst residential properties on Sinclair Street, Grange. Its total area is approximately 1800m2. The reserve is fenced on three sides, facing Sinclair Avenue, with the local shops situated behind the reserve (to the South). The reserve has irrigated turf and some established small and medium trees but has not changed significantly since the 1960’s when it's understood the reserve was gifted to Council.

We appreciate all of your ideas and hearing how you might like to use and visit Sinclair Reserve in the future. As a small, local reserve, we want to consider ideas that account for the size of the available space, but also don't create a nuisance for local residents, given the residential setting. With this in mind, we've come up with some ideas in the feedback form which you can select if they appeal to you, but we would also be pleased to hear your ideas. You can view example images of some of our 'Inspiring ideas' on this page.

Features such as a playground, hard courts, toilet and shelter and BBQ facilities are not elements we would consider at a reserve of this size. This is directed by our Open Space Strategy. However these features are available at other, larger reserves nearby (within 600 metres) including:

  • Kirkcaldy Reserve, Kirkcaldy Avenue, Grange: Playground, basketball half-court, BBQ, public toilet, shelter and picnic areas.
  • Willcocks Reserve, Willcocks Avenue, Seaton: Playground and seating
  • Tandanya Reserve, Tandanya Avenue & Wandilla Street, Grange: Moderate size turf area and seating
  • Nedford Reserve, Nedford Crescent x York Avenue, Fulham Gardens: Recently renewed playground (replaced in the last 18 months) and seating.

Please note, the turf irrigation system is due for replacement in approximately 5 years, so this will be excluded from any improvements under this project.

Staff will prepare a report documenting the outcomes of this community engagement, including all suggested improvements. The report will propose a budget estimate to deliver selected improvements, based on the most requested suggestions that were able to be considered. We will let all participants of this consultation and project followers know when this report is being considered.

If the proposed budget is approved in principle, this amount will be included as a budget request in the 2025/26 Annual Business Plan and Budget process with the intent to deliver the improvements next financial year.

If the budgeted amount for the reserve improvements is approved for 2025/26, we will reach out to the community to share the details of the proposed improvements and expected construction timeframe between July and September 2025.

Feedback Form [Closed]

Thanks to everyone who took a few minutes to call or complete the feedback form to tell us how use (or don't use) Sinclair Reserve in Grange, and to indicate your preferred improvements for this space. We are using your feedback to request budget (money) to deliver your most-preferred improvements in 2025/26. The improvements will be subject to approval and any funds granted in the 2025/26 Annual Business Plan and Budget process.

Upload an Idea [Closed]