
Consultation Outcomes and Project Update

15 August 2022

We are pleased to advise that the community consultation for the streetscape upgrades in the Hindmarsh Precinct are now complete. From now, the work is progressing to deliver the construction of these important sub-projects at Holden Street, Mary Street, West Street and East Street, which have already commenced.

The Hindmarsh Precinct Streetscape Upgrades

The Hindmarsh Precinct Streetscape Upgrades were selected for renewal in the 21/22 Financial Year. The project seeks to improve the amenity of the streets and create better connections in and around the stadium precinct. The locations and intents for each of upgrades are:

  • Holden Street – connects Manton St to Adam St and runs along the western boundary of Hindmarsh Stadium. It provides major access to the stadium during events and is approaching the end of its asset life.
  • Mary Street – provides a strategic connection between public transport and local businesses on Port Rd and the major event venues within the precinct.
  • West and East Streets – provides a strategic connection across the Outer Harbour rail corridor for cyclists and pedestrians seeking access to the Hindmarsh Precinct.

For each of the streets there is a focus on improving traffic safety, vehicle connectivity, access for pedestrians and cyclists, kerbside parking provision and street amenity (including landscape treatments)

Community engagement was an important aspect of this project

Input from the community was invited for each of the locations within the precinct as the concept plans were created. The focus for engagement was to ensure that businesses, property owners and residents in the immediate vicinity of the precinct had the opportunity to understand the upgrades and input into their final design.

The community were invited to attend drop-in sessions in person and online to find out information about the project and provide feedback on the concept plans.

Sessions were as follows:

Drop in sessions (in person)

  • West Street WALKshop – 17 August 2021
  • Mary Street – 27 October 2021
  • Holden Street – 29 November 2021

Online consultations

  • East Street – 25 January 2022
  • Mary Street – 27 January 2022
  • West Street – 28 January 2022

Other opportunities to engage on the project were through online surveys and via email submissions. The community were also kept up to date throughout the project via letterbox drops and the YourSay website, which continues to be available with project information.

Concept plans were adjusted as a result of feedback provided

We would like to thank the community for their valuable feedback on the concept designs. Feedback on the designs was overwhelmingly aligned in letting us know that the changes proposed are positive and welcomed by the community.

As a result of the feedback provided, the following changes were made to the concept designs.

Holden Street

  • Footpath widened along the entire length of Holden street on the stadium side
  • Road reconstruction to assist with driveway access
  • Road widened from 3 metre lanes to 3.3 metre lanes
  • Intersection treatment to remain at grade so that businesses are not affected in their day-to-day operations
  • Confirmation that the number of disabled car parks have been checked and meet the number required for the street

Mary Street

  • Parking will remain where business operate
  • Confirmation that trucks using the street for events will not be affected by the design changes
  • Loading zone at Lady Daly Hotel to remain
  • New paving will be installed where it is needed
  • Trees and artwork will be installed to brighten the area at the local eatery
  • Parking will be available at the Serbian Church to ensure ease of continued functions especially for weddings and funerals

West Street

  • Additional yellow line marking at the intersection to mitigate dangerous congestion issues
  • Residential end of the street road surface more raised and more obviously a shared zone deterring cars from entering
  • Reconstruction of the road to fix existing subsidence
  • Addition of street print at the residential end of the street
  • More trees will be planted where possible
  • Community garden bed to remain and upgrade for the plantar boxes to occur

East Street

  • Landscaping bed locations were slightly adjusted in line with Council land boundaries with the library.


Construction has commenced across a few streets and you can keep updated on the progress through the timeline and SitePodium app.