Our Focus:

Our target is to increase our overall canopy cover to 25% by 2045. We can achieve this if we work together to GROW our tree canopy cover.

The Challenge:

Council land makes up one-third of the city. Private land such as homes, businesses, schools, and places of worship make up two-thirds of the city and the amount of tree canopy on these areas has declined since 2008.

Our Shared Role:

To help increase canopy cover, we need landholders to plant more trees on their properties and retain and care for these trees so they can grow to maturity. We’ve been boosting our tree planting programs on council land and our canopy cover is now increasing. We will continue to work with our community and highlight our shared role to help reach our target of 25% canopy cover.

A model showing the overlapping responsibility to achieve increased canopy cover - Council Action on public land, Community Action on private land and Council supported community action

Helping to increase canopy is as easy as 1, 2 ,3...

Tree Champions have told us they want to personally help increase canopy in the city. We’ve gathered all the ideas and we invite you to take a pledge to commit to one or more of those ideas, to take action and fulfil your pledge, then show and share what you have achieved. Your action will help increase canopy and inspire others to do the same.

    Take Action

    Get out there and start your action, in whatever way, shape or form that looks like to you. Little things to big things; every action counts! Wherever you can, involve others in your action to help to spread the word, increase awareness and generate momentum.

Make a commitment to create change