Project Update - September 2021

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our consultation and attended our Growing Green Forum.

We will now review all the feedback received to develop and finalise our Tree Canopy Improvement Strategy 2021-2045 and prepare a report to Council.

News Update - Growing Green Community Forum

Sophie Thomson will be a special guest presenter at our Community Forum on Wednesday 25 August 2021. There are still a few spots left register below to attend.

Community Consultation - have your say!

During 2021, there were a range of ways community could read about our Tree Canopy Improvement Strategy and provide feedback.

Online at Your Say Charles Sturt (using a smart phone, iPad or computer)

Attend our Growing Green Community Forum

  • Wednesday 25 August 2021, 6.00pm to 7.30pm. Registration to this event is essential as this will enable us to contact attendees should the event need to be postponed, or modified to an online forum, due to COVID restrictions.

Visit our Civic Centre, or one of our Libraries and Community Centres

  • View the Draft Tree Canopy Improvement Strategy 2021 - 2045.
  • View the summary fact sheet.
  • Collect a hardcopy survey form.


  • Email your written submission addressed to Mark Hannan at and include the subject heading "Draft Tree Canopy Improvement Strategy".


  • Ask us if you would like us to post you a hard copy of the Draft Strategy.
  • Post your written submission addressed to the CEO, City of Charles Sturt, PO Box 1, Woodville SA 5011, Attention Mark Hannan. (If you choose to post your submission to Council we ask that you allow sufficient time for the postal delivery service so that your submission arrives at our Offices by the closing date).

Consultation closed at 5pm on Sunday 5 September 2021.

Thank you

Thank you to the 218 people who completed our survey.

Thank you

Thank you to the 67 people who attended one of our community forums or focus group activities.