
Project deferred - Community Update

6 June 2024

We asked our community in December 2023 for feedback on a draft design for Stages 7 & 8, of the Grange Lakes Corridor Shared Use Path (Marlborough Street to Atkin Street). The draft design was created based on the first stage of consultation which was undertaken in September 2022.

The draft concept design included:

Marlborough Street to North Street (Stage 7)

  • New 2.5m wide concrete shared use path, meandering to avoid trees, yet allow for a pleasant walk or cycle in the shade.
  • New 2.5m wide boardwalk over a raingarden to allow for all weather enjoyment.
  • Installation of a raingarden in the flood prone areas to capture excess stormwater, increase biodiversity and promote healthy trees.
  • New wombat crossing over North Street, with signage and lighting to improve pedestrian safety.
  • Upgraded kerb ramps.

North Street to Atkin Street (Stage 8)

  • New 2.5m wide concrete shared use path.
  • New 2.5m wide boardwalk over a raingarden, near the community garden for all weather enjoyment.
  • Installation of raingarden in the flood prone areas to capture excess stormwater, increase biodiversity and promote healthy trees.
  • New community node (still to be discussed with the community).
  • Upgraded kerb ramps.
  • New wombat crossing in the car park.

Consultation Feedback
We had also planned to hold a community drop-in session in December 2023, but due to the extreme weather we had to cancel it. Apologies, to those who wanted to speak with the project team at this event.

We received 7 responses, along with 3 submissions by email. Most respondents were quite supportive of the project design.

A community engagement summary with all the comments and some answers to your feedback (FAQ's) are available to view.

Next Steps
Through the budget process it was decided that construction of the two stages be deferred by 12 months, and that they will not commence in the 2024/25 financial year.

We will continue to complete the design for Stage 7 ready for construction and refine the design for Stage 8 for further consultation over the next 12-18 months.

Project Timeline
Once construction budgets and dates are confirmed, we will provide an update.