What is the Grange Lakes Corridor?

The Grange Lakes Corridor Shared Use Path is a series of walking and cycling paths through local reserves and along waterways connecting West Lakes to the River Torrens Linear Park. The new 2.5 metre wide paths along with upgrades to public lighting, safety barrier fencing and new over street crossings creates a safe, accessible and an all-weather off-road route for people walking and cycling, children, parents with prams and people living with a disability.

Construction of the shared-use path commenced in 2014 with Stages 1-6 already complete.

WALKshop Consultation Outcomes (September 2022)

In September/October 2022, we consulted with our community on the next stages of the Grange Lakes Corridor Shared Use Path.

  • Stage 7 – Marlborough Street to North Street (through Don Ferguson Memorial Reserve)
  • Stage 8 – North Street to Atkin Street (through Chambers Reserve & Henley and Grange Memorial Reserve)

We hosted a WALKshop on 28 September 2022, where we had 22 local residents attend who shared their local knowledge of the reserve and walking space, along with any suggestions and ideas that we should take into consideration. Another 4 written responses and 1 email were received. Since that time, we have been developing a draft concept plan for both stages.

Some of the suggestions made through consultation were:

  • Look to incorporate more natural elements to tie in with the reserve and its use.
  • More plantings near the community garden
  • Not to remove any established trees
  • Incorporate a meandering path
  • Artwork near the Kaurna space
  • Incorporate a path to access the public toilet at the football club
  • Improve all road crossings along the corridor
  • Incorporate smart lighting to reduce brightness on native animals

Stages 7 and 8 - Concept Plans (November 2023)

During design, we were able to identify several improvements based on the community feedback as well as acknowledging stormwater and technical constraints. The path alignment has been determined based on tree locations, to minimise tree removal, whilst still retain the open grassy spaces.

The draft concept plan shows:

Marlborough Street to North Street (Stage 7)

  • New 2.5m wide concrete shared use path, meandering to
  • New 2.5m wide boardwalk over a raingarden, to allow for all weather enjoyment.
  • Installation of a raingarden in the low-lying flood prone areas to capture excess stormwater, increase biodiversity and promote healthy trees.
  • New wombat crossing over North Street, with associated signage and lighting to improve pedestrian safety.
  • Upgraded kerb ramps

North Street to Atkin Street (Stage 8)

  • New 2.5m wide concrete shared use path
  • New 2.5m wide boardwalk over a raingarden, near the community garden, for all weather enjoyment
  • Installation of raingarden in the low-lying flood prone areas to capture excess stormwater
  • New community node – yet to be determined
  • Upgraded kerb ramps
  • New wombat crossing in the car park

Due to constructability constraints and a risk assessment, it was deemed the better option for the shared path to align closer to White Street instead of between the skatepark, changerooms, and the oval.