
Project Update - Consultation Outcomes

8 April 2021

We consulted with the local community and stakeholders between 2 to 23 November 2020 on four route options to complete the Grange Greenway from Frederick Road to the Grange Railway Station. Feedback was also sought on options for how the routes could be constructed.

An online feedback form and a community drop-in session were used to gather feedback. A total of 114 people participated in the engagement:

  • 76 responses were received through the online feedback form (57 or 75% live in Grange)
  • 36 people participated at the community drop-in session
  • 2 written submissions were received by email

In general, the Recreational Route (Westmoreland Road) attracted a lot of support and Route 3 (using Frederick Road, Nash Street and Terminus Street North) the least. The level of support indicated for Routes 1 and 2 was very close. Refer page 6 of the engagement report.

The full engagement report is available here.

A final route map will be available in the coming months. We will notify those in the consultation area when it is available for viewing.

We have submitted a budget request for $60,000 in the 21/22 financial year, to undertake further detailed design and consultation. Subject to detailed design, outcomes of consultation and additional state government funding, we may also be able to deliver the treatments on Terminus Street (north) in 2021/22.

We will provide updates as we work through each of the outcomes.