
Consultation Outcomes and Council Report

16 November 2023

Gleneagles Reserve stormwater detention project has been identified as a high priority project in the West Lakes Stormwater Management plan. The engineering and landscaping design is nearing completion, and a report is being presented at the 20 November 2023, Asset Management Committee Meeting (AMC), providing an update on the project.

The recommendation presented to the AMC is:

1. That the report is received and noted.

2. That a Development Application be lodged and processed seeking approval to remove five regulated and significant trees located in Gleneagles Reserve, Seaton.

3. That Council support continued funding of the project through the 2024/25 budget process.

4. That Council endorse the project progressing to the procurement phase.

5. That Council note the concept plan will be presented to the community for comments.

6. That quarterly status reports be submitted to the Asset Management Committee once construction works have commenced.

The full AMC report can be viewed here. Refer item 4.91

Following this meeting, we will then issue the concept plan for any final comments. We anticipate this to be sent out to residents in late November/December.