
Freshwater Lake Consultation Closed - Thank you

6 October 2022

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Stage One and Stage Two community engagement on the future options for the management of Freshwater Lake and Reserve, Delfin Island, West Lakes. Given the strong community support for the retention of the Lake in its current form following the Stage One consultation, we amended the scope to consider 3 options for future lake management:

  • Option 1: Existing System Management
  • Option 2A: Offline Treatment (eg biofiltration or wetland connection)
  • Option 2B: In-Line Treatment (eg reedbeds and floating wetlands)

Stage Two community engagement has recently closed and we have since analysed the feedback from the 419 direct engagements we had with the public and our community, including the 368 survey responses completed and returned. Based on your feedback, the majority of participants who engaged with us supported Option 2A - Offline treatment. Some common reasons for this preference was support for the Waterproofing the West network, support for open water views and visual amenity, and lower maintenance requirements.

We heard that many people who enjoy the space have strong links to the lake, whether through historical ties and fond memories, or as a place to gather and explore with friends and family, to exercise or be active, and to find quiet solace in a natural, open space.Your input into future considerations held much value and importance, so thank you. To view the key findings of the Stage Two Community Engagement activity, please visit the 'Community Feedback Summary Stage Two' page.

For a more comprehensive review of the results, a report will be presented to the Council at its meeting of 10 October 2022, 'Freshwater Lake Review - Options Consultation - Stage Two Community Engagement Report'. The complete Stage Two Community Engagement Report will be included in the report as Appendix 1 (refer Item 6.88, Page 12).

Following conclusion of the Local Government Elections, a further report seeking endorsement of a preferred lake management option to proceed into development of a detailed design and investigation is expected to be presented to Council at its meeting of 12 December 2022.