
Consultation on options

17 June 2022

At this week’s Council meeting (14 June 2022), we shared investigations into the operation and management of Freshwater Lake, West Lakes as we look to maintain this much-loved community asset and consider possible improvements that could be made.

We also shared the feedback we have received from our community in the first stage of community consultation which shows the strong community connections to Freshwater Lake and how much enjoyment it brings our community. Read our one page summary of the extensive community feedback we received.

Read the full Council Report including stage one community engagement feedback report and investigations report (refer to Item 6.45, page 179). The community engagement report and investigations report can also be viewed in the "Document Library" on the Project Home Page.

We are now preparing for the next stage of community consultation which will describe two options, provide useful information about each, and invite community feedback on options.

We will commence community engagement in the last week of July 2022. Keep an eye out for more information in late July which will include a letterbox drop to Delfin Island residents and ratepayers, updated information signs at the lake, information at key places, Your Say Charles Sturt and our website and social media channels.

Options we are looking at:

Option 1: Maintain the lake in its current form with existing maintenance and management practices.

Option 2: Retain the lake in its current form with structural and management improvements to permanently enhance lake performance water quality, operations, and management.

Within Option 2, we will explain two different methods that can improve water quality – a bioretention system and floating wetland system. We will explain what each method involves and looks like, and any advantages or disadvantages of each.

The next steps will involve the review of community feedback in late August 2022, and identification of a preferred option in September 2022. A report is then anticipated to go to Council in October 2022.

This consultation process is in accordance with the community engagement approach endorsed by Council on 28 February 2022 (Item 6.12).