The condition of Foord Avenue is reaching the end of its useful life and has been programmed for a road reconstruction in this financial year. While planning for a road reconstruction we also like to investigate traffic safety at the same time to ensure that resident concerns have been captured and traffic impacts are assessed for current and future demand.
Foord Avenue is a public laneway that connects Marlborough Street to Military Road in an L-shape and adjoins the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church car park.
The community has told us that they would like to see changes to this street to improve safety for all road users. Community concerns relate to the fact that the street is shared by people walking, riding and driving in both directions and at times causing conflict.
The Proposal
Converting the street to a one-way street is not a feasible option, however we have prepared a concept plan that shows how we could improve safety with the following features:
- Printed road surface to give a visual cue to drivers that this space is shared with pedestrians and is different to an ordinary roadway
- An area in the north-south section (adjacent the church) that is not printed, to enable a road mural to be painted by Star of the Sea school students (speed humps cannot be installed along this section as it is a strong pedestrian link, however the mural and printed road surface can help to slow drivers)
- Two speed humps along the east-west section, to replace the single hump that already exists.The single hump no longer meets the current standards and cannot be replaced like it is.
An application is currently with the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure to also convert the street to a formal shared zone, which will allow the installation of shared zone signs that designate a formal 10 km/h speed limit.
A concept plan is enclosed, and we would like to hear your views on the proposed printed surface, Shared Use Zone and whether or not road humps should be re-installed. Refer to the document library for a copy of the concept.
The road project is planned to occur during the summer school holiday period. You will receive notification from our contractor prior to works occurring and they will work with residents regarding any access restrictions.